“New deputy. She’s supposed to be coming to get the keys from Reena and me tonight. Pretty little thing, more red hair than she knows what to do with, and more freckles than stars in the night sky.”
“Are you matchmaking, Alice?” I teased.
She winked at me. “Maybe? Brian already said that he’s off-limits. So maybe the young doctor might want a little law enforcement in his life.”
“And in his bed?” Candice added cheekily.
“If the badge fits,” she cackled.
“Tell me about her,” I asked.
“Full name is Katheryn McCleary, but she said to call her Katie. She’s from somewhere out west, Nevada, I think? Looking for a change, she said. You know who she reminds me of? Sadie, that cute young lady that runs the Sunday school class for Father Montgomery.”
I didn’t know Sadie very well; she was a couple of years younger and from a rather wealthy family. Obviously, we didn’t have anything in common, but I did know who she was. I always thought Sadie was pretty in an understated sort of way. Some might consider her plus-sized or fuller figured, and she dressed in a rather matronly fashion.
“I don’t know,” I said hesitantly. “I don’t think Sadie would be Dr. Young’s type. If Katie is like her, maybe it’s not a good idea.”
“Pfft, they aren’t exactly alike. Anyhow, it was just an idea, I had better run. I don’t want to spread gossip.”
“Tell us!” Candice insisted.
“Well, I didn’t miss the double-take that Brian gave the new officer when she was moving her boxes in. He might have said that he wasn’t interested, but that’s not what his eyes were telling me.”
“Alice!” I chided. “You can’t get involved in all of this.”
“You have my word,” she said, crossing her heart.
Candice quirked a brow. “We know you… remember.”
With a laugh, Alice left Candice and I shaking our heads. It was just then that the girls decided to wake up and be fed.
Later that day, Reena came by. When I told her about Alice’s matchmaking, Reena laughed and said that there wasn’t anything anyone could say or do to change Alice’s mind about something.
“Mark my words, Sutton. There will be hell to pay by the time Alice is through. Anyhow, I think this one is hungry,” Reena said, handing Evie to me. “Let me take Avery, and you can feed her sister.”
Reena picked up Avery and went back to the rocking chair. We had a nice visit until Mark returned from the police station. Seeing Reena, he smiled, “Thanks for keeping an eye on my girls.”
My girls. The way he said it just made my heart swell with love. “How did it go?”
Mark loosened his tie, came over to kiss me, and then sat down before responding. “The paperwork in the briefcase has been verified. It is your mother’s, and therefore it now belongs to you. Most of it doesn’t need any attention from you, especially as you just had our babies and are a little wrapped up in all of that. However, there isn’t anything that we can tie directly to Maggie or Father Montgomery.”
“Was it a bunch of bills or something?” I said wearily.
“Actually, the opposite. A lot of old stocks in various companies and an inheritance from your maternal grandmother. Somewhere around four hundred million dollars, give or take a few.”
Reena gasped. “Four hundred million! Damn, girl, you’re rich.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that it was nothing compared to what my father had left me. The father I’d never known. The same father who had meant the world to Mark.
Impulsively I asked, “Tell me about Hollingsworth.”
I saw the surprise and happiness in his eyes as he turned to me and asked, “Are you sure?”
Reena stood and passed the baby to Mark. “I’ve got to run, so why don’t you two have a nice long chat.”
It was time.