Natalie answered, “My gut feeling is Father Montgomery and maybe Maggie. But I don’t have any proof.”
“How do we prove that Father Montgomery is behind this?” Mark asked. “There has to be something we are missing.”
Brian nodded. “I agree. That’s just what we need to find out. I thought I saw the white of his clerical collar in the bushes.”
“Who wears all black to assassinate someone but still straps on their clerical collar?” Candice asked. “That’s ridiculous.”
“We need to find the bullet. Once we have the bullet, ballistics will tell us what type of gun was used and if it matches any of the other shootings. Then all that’s left is determining who has a matching caliber weapon, but my money's on the priest.”
“I agree, Brian,” Natalie said as she handed him a new towel. “Do you want me to put these towels in the laundry?”
I blanched. “No! Just throw them away.”
Natalie hid her smile. I knew that this was old hat for her, but I wasn’t used to caring for bullet wounds in my kitchen.
“But they both got away?” I asked Brian.
“I’m sorry, Sutton.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I just wish I knew what was behind all of this. Did someone see Maggie? Why do you think she was here? I don’t understand.”
“She was carrying the documents from your mother,” Natalie said. “One of the masked individuals ended up dropping a briefcase. I don’t know what’s in there, but we did see your mother’s maiden name. The case and the contents were sent with Knox to the police station.”
“What’s he going to do without you helping out?” Mark asked Natalie.
In the guise of law enforcement, Natalie went undercover to check out Knox, the chief of police. The only thing that came of it was a raging case of jealousy by Candice, who just happens to be dating the handsome sheriff.
Thankfully, they were able to get things worked out, but now Knox was down the help he desperately needed.
“He hired someone,” Brian said through a mouthful of chips.
Apparently, being shot also made him hungry.
“Who?” Candice and I asked at the same time.
Brian shrugged. “I don’t know. However, Reena and Alice have offered their rental up for the new deputy.”
“The one next to your place?” I asked.
Brian nodded. “Yeah, I just hope the guy doesn’t throw any wild parties or anything. Those old row houses are pretty close together.”
A yawn escaped my lips. “Excuse me.”
My hand went to the babies, and I let out another yawn.
“I think Sutton and I are going to get some rest,” Mark said quietly. “Brian, would you lock up before you go?”
He nodded. “Sure thing. I hope you feel better, Sutton.”
I said my goodbyes to everyone, and Mark started to steer me toward the stairs.
As I left the room, I heard Natalie say, “I know you think you are tough and all, but we are going to dress that wound.”
I could hear his rumble of complaint as Mark, and I started up the stairs. Suddenly I was more tired than I could stand. The day spent in the sun on my feet had tuckered me out. Not to mention that the fear and excitement of the shooting had worn me down emotionally.
Mark seemed to understand. When we got to the top of the stairs, he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way.
“I’m too heavy,” I protested weakly.