He scratched his chin, “Yes, I have, but that doesn’t make me a baby whisperer either.”
“Aren’t they walking?” Katie asked a little nervously.
Brian nodded. “For the most part, there is a lot of falling involved.”
As they pulled into the old mansion that Sutton and Mark had restored, Katie felt a swirl of anxiety boil up inside of her.
“How hard could it be?” she asked with a manic smile and opened the car door.
“How can a child that size make this much poop?” Katie wailed as she tried to strip off Avery’s onesie. The blown-out diaper had leaked down both legs and up the back.
Brian held Evie in one arm and had his nose covered with the other.
“Hose her off outside! The entire house smells like shit!”
Katie blew back a strand of her red hair that threatened to cover her eyes. “You can’t say shit in front of little kids, Brian. Everyone knows that!”
“Well, newsflash, Katie! I suck with kids!”
Katie finally was able to pull off Avery’s pants, and with it came another plop of poop on the changing table. Avery laughed, swinging her arms around, and Katie choked, trying to keep control of her stomach.
“You are going to have to trade me,” Katie said, at last, throwing in the towel. “I can’t do this.”
Brian looked at her like she was crazy.
“She’s your niece,” Katie shot him a look that let Brian know she wasn’t kidding.
“Just wait a minute,” Brian grumbled, walking to the crib and setting Evie inside where she was caged in for a moment. He then disappeared for a moment but returned with a pair of yellow rubber gloves and a dish towel tied over his face.
“Alright,” Brian said. Taking a deep breath, he added, “You go fumigate yourself. I am coming.”
Katie traded places with Brian, leaving Avery half-naked and covered in poo. There was poop all over the changing table, a glob on the floor, and from the looks of things, it was in Avery’s hands at this point.
“Don’t move,” Brian said to Evie, who grinned up at him from her spot standing at the crib rail. He scooped up the changing pad, Avery, and all the contents and took them into their en suite bathroom. For the first time, he figured that Sutton might not have been crazy insisting that every bedroom has a bathroom, even the nursery.
From there, he dumped everything into the tub.
“Your mama can order a new pad for the changing table, Avery.”
There was a knock at the bathroom door, “It’s just me.”
Katie stood there with Evie in her arms. The baby was tugging on Katie’s fiery locks, and for a second, Brian was transfixed.
Until Katie frowned. “You aren’t going to let all of that get wet, are you?”
Brian looked down at Avery, who was scrambling to stand and spread her disgustingness with the world.
“Sure am,” he replied and turned on the water. Avery giggled as Brian adjusted the temperature to something suitable, and then he reached up and grabbed the sprayer. “Sorry, baby, but you stink.”
Katie went after a garbage bag, and everything that had gotten soaked or soiled went straight inside.
“I might feel bad about ruining their stuff,” Brian said later, “If they weren’t so damn rich.”
Katie laughed and elbowed his side. “You can’t swear in front of kids.”
“They like it,” Brian argued, and it seemed he might be right.