“What are you doing?” he shook his head. “What did the plant do to you?”

Katie’s lips twitched. “Look, I figure if I took care of the gardening, my stalker wouldn’t need to. Makes perfect sense, right?”

Brian blinked, “You’re killing this plant because someone helped paint the shutters?”

Katie frowned. “I am not killing the plant; I am pruning it.”

“To death,” Brian finished. “Look, Katie, I might know who has been helping you out.”

Katie took a step toward him, her eyes bright and eager.

“What have you found out? Did you dust for fingerprints?”

Brian gave her a quizzical look, “How long have you worked in law enforcement?”

Katie flushed. “That isn’t nice.”

Brian took a step closer, tossing the pruners away from them. “I really am not known for my niceties.”

Katie’s heart picked up, and she leaned in. “Yeah, I am starting to see that. It’s like you don’t believe me.”

Brian scoffed, his breath fanning across her face and their chests almost touching.

“That’s because I don’t. You are borderline crazy.”

Katie’s eyes flared, and she reached up to shove him away. But her hands didn’t get the message as they sank into the cotton of his shirt and yanked him into her. His mouth crashed down on hers, hungry and insistent.

It was nothing like the tentative kisses Katie was used to. This was raw and passionate. He was kissing her like he wanted to devour her, like she was the very air he needed to survive.

Her body thrummed with excitement, and she smashed herself tighter against him. Her belly was knotted, and her pussy ached for his touch.

She mewled into the kiss, and he groaned deep in his throat. His hand sank into her hair and angled her head so he could deepen the kiss. Never before had Katie felt so taken. Her body suddenly belonged to him, and she would have been willing to let him fuck her on the front lawn.

Her leg wrapped itself around his hip, and he grabbed her ass, hoisting her up into his arms. Her hands went to the hem of his t-shirt and yanked it up so that she could feel the ridges of his stomach.

The honking of a horn brought them back to their senses, and reluctantly Brian pulled back.

“I won’t apologize,” he said, his voice deep with emotion.

Katie untangled herself from him and took a step back. Her chin lifted in defiance, and Brian felt his cock jerk. She didn’t speak as she walked away from him and up her steps. It was only when she had opened the door and stepped inside that she turned and beckoned him.

“Are you coming or not?”

Brian wasn’t sure he had ever moved faster in his life. One second his jaw was dropping, and the next, he was racing his way up her steps and slamming the door closed. He had her in his arms and was yanking that cut-off shirt over her head.

The woman wasn’t even wearing a bra!

His mouth closed over the first rosy peak and sucked until it was diamond-hard, and she was writhing her hips against his abs. Her legs were once again wrapped around his waist, but he wanted more of her. He moved her down to yank off her tiny shorts and panties until she was naked before him.

She had the daintiest little freckles scattered across her perfect skin, and he wanted to lick every one of them.

“Where is your room?” he gasped.

Katie shook her head, “Next time, I need you now!”

Brian growled his approval and yanked his shorts off, but before he tossed them aside, he grabbed a condom out of his back pocket. The t-shirt was thrown across her lamp, and he had her in his arms pressed against the wall.

She rolled the condom onto his thick length and said a silent prayer that things would be okay.