“Have you considered pulling in more people to help facilitate the ending you want?”
Julio frowned and looked at Marco, “It goes against my nature to share intimate details of my life.”
Marco nodded. “While I agree that it is difficult, I wonder if you were to get Sutton and her husband Mark on board. They might help you find ways you would be alone together. Heaven knows you have to have some ideas rolling around that brain of yours.”
Julio smiled briefly, “I do indeed have some ideas, but there is also the little matter of the sheriff she seems to have tucked into her back pocket.”
“He has a girlfriend or fiancé, doesn’t he?” Jackson asked.
“Yes,” Julio confirmed, “Her name is Celeste or Candice, something like that.”
“Women love happily-ever-after stories. And she is good friends with Sutton, isn’t she? If you can convince her you are only trying to save your marriage, I am sure that the fiancé will get on board. And trust me, there isn’t a man out there who would give up what the sheriff has in her. She’s one beautiful woman.”
Gina eyed Jackson. “I thought you were gay?”
Jackson scowled in response. “We call it pansexual these days. I am attracted to all types of people, regardless of gender. And besides, I wasn’t trying to poach her, only appreciating the goods on display.”
“Well said,” Julio snorted, “but keep the appreciation away from my wife.”
Jackson looked over to Julio and winked. “I appreciate what is right in front of me, Julio. I don’t need to see your wife. I already know her.”
And to everyone’s surprise, Julio blushed.
Brian blinked blearily at the clock, trying to see what the time was. He had been up most of the night and never had been much of a morning person. Unfortunately, whoever was pounding on his door either didn’t care.
He rolled over and stood, not bothering with grabbing clothes. Brian glanced into the mirror. His body was in perfect condition thanks to his history with the Marines and the gym in Mark and Sutton’s basement.
He was in boxer briefs and his morning wood was obvious. Well, whoever was out there would be getting a big surprise because he would be heading directly back to bed, and he didn’t give a shit if the postman saw his junk.
Rubbing his hand over his day-old stubble, Brian opened the door a fraction to see who his morning wake-up call was.
A beautiful redhead was peering around the door. Her perky freckles were calling to him, and that damn deputy uniform hugged her curves like nobody’s business.
Katie frowned, “Is this a bad time?”
Brian blinked. Did she not see his bare chest and underwear? He opened the door, thinking it was kind of a sarcastic asshole move, but he didn’t care.
“Sure, come on in. I’m obviously not doing anything.”
Katie dimpled up at him, “Perfect! Thank you so much for seeing me. Some people just really aren’t morning people. I don’t get it. I mean, I feel refreshed and ready to go. Do you have any coffee? It’s okay if you don’t, I really shouldn’t drink it. But a nice latte, how can I turn something like that down? I really miss Starbucks, don’t you?”
Brian grunted something and shut the door, giving Katie a fantastic view of his ass in the boxer briefs. She had no idea that a back could be so sexy, but the muscles and ridges on Brian were panty-dropping delicious.
She knew she was babbling and really didn’t mean to. But the man was in his underwear, for goodness sake, underwear! She had made sure she didn’t look down at his man parts because that would be totally inappropriate, and she was in her uniform.
Brian turned and motioned for her to sit on the couch.
Damn, there was a massive bulge in those boxer briefs… Katie shook her head. No, she wasn’t looking at her neighbor that way. She had learned her lesson falling off the cabinet. Fortifying herself, Katie sat primly on the couch.
“I’m here on official business.”
Brian yawned, the movement causing muscles all over his body to contract. For a moment, Katie caught herself staring again.