He turned, and she caught a glimpse of his six-pack. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to fall from her perch at the sink. Katie wasn’t quite tall enough to see him unless she climbed up onto the counter. A sacrifice that, clearly, she was willing to make.
He wiped his brow, and the muscles in his chest and arms rippled with effect.
Damn, all she needed was some music, and it was almost as good as porn.
Visions of Brian doing naughty things to her made Katie a little absentminded. So when she looked up again and saw that he was staring directly at her, she screamed, and the office cup in her hand went flying as she fell backward onto the kitchen floor.
Brian tookclothes to the cleaners on Monday, paid bills on Tuesday, laundry was relegated to Wednesday, and Thursday was yard work. Organization had always been his strong suit. Growing up with a single mother, he had often been left on his own.
He felt antsy unless he had a plan or a mission. Perhaps that was why he did so well with the Marines. One’s schedule was always set in place, with standards and precision. He executed it beautifully.
He ran his business the same way. Brian knew that people thought his business was a small, American-made PI firm, and Brian worked hard for this impression. However, the truth was that through his contacts and with his brilliant business skills, he had made the company into a multi-million, soon to be billion, dollar venture.
The thing was that Brian wasn’t about a life of wealth. His natural father had never claimed him. Money and his position in this world far more important to him than his flesh and blood. Money wasn’t a driving force in Brian’s life.
The only reason he had decided to make Otterville Falls his home was that his half-brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces were here. When Brian’s mom passed away, this was all the family left in the world. That was what mattered to him.
He didn’t drive a fancy car, and he didn’t build a fancy house. In fact, the home he bought recently was a 1945 bungalow that needed restoration, much of which Brian wanted to do himself. He liked working with his hands and seeing the fruits of his labor.
What he hadn’t bargained for was the sexy new neighbor.
Just the thought of Katie McCleary had his dick twitching in his boxers. The woman was small and fiery, with red hair and a temper to boot. She had these amazing tits that had to be real. At the very least, he was dying to find out. And she had an ass that wouldn’t quit. She was also in law enforcement and strictly off-limits.
Katie McCleary had ‘wife and children’ written all over her.
Brian was a PI and dealt with the shittier parts of life. Spouses cheating on each other, swinger couples gone wrong, murders, theft: you name it, and he had uncovered or exposed it. Brian wasn’t husband-and-father material.
He sawthe way that his brother Mark was with Sutton. The two of them had to be the cutest couple and were obviously an anomaly. That wasn’t in the cards for Brian. He had always been a loner and would always be a loner.
He rounded the corner with the lawnmower and began to walk back the direction he came, making sure the lines were straight. He wasn’t sure why he did it. Perhaps it was because she was constantly on his mind, but he looked over at Katie’s house. The roses were in shambles, and she had pruned some of the bushes past recognition.
The lines in her grass were wiggly and uneven. It almost had him shivering. He needed order, even craved it. The last thing he needed was to be hyper-focused on the curvy redhead officer who constantly popped into his mind. Her uniform was snug, and she filled out every inch of it.
He supposed it wasn’t good form to stare and drool at an officer, but it was something he was guilty of all the same. However, that was nothing compared to the little spaghetti-strap tank tops and boxer shorts with the band rolled down that exposed her perfectly flat stomach.
Shit, damn, and hell! That was enough to make him want to throw her over his shoulder and head for the nearest cave. He fought the urge to adjust his dick, which hardened the more he thought about her.
Must think of something else, he told himself firmly.
Something flashed in the corner of his eye, and he looked at Katie’s kitchen window. She was perched there with the silliest expression on her face. Her hair was piled up in a messy bun at the top of her head, and she was holding a coffee cup.
When their gazes locked, her mouth opened, and the coffee went flying. One minute she was there, and the next, she was gone. Brian took off at a dead run, not even waiting for the lawnmower to stop. He pounded on her back door but only heard a groan in response.
His training came in handy, and he kicked down the back door and raced into the kitchen. Katie was laying on the floor with her hand on her head. Her thin tank top was soaked with coffee, revealing that she hadn’t yet put on a bra.
Two nipples showed through the wet fabric, and his mouth went dry. The semi-erection from earlier was already back at full mast, and he had a hard time breathing.
“Are you alright?” he gasped.
Her eyes were still closed, but he knew she was hurting by the way she was breathing. His training had taught him not to move a victim of an accident.
“I am going to call an ambulance, just sit tight.”
“No!” Katie came flying up into a sitting position.
She groaned and held her head, “No ambulance, I am fine. Just bumped my head, nothing serious.”
Brian frowned, “You could have a concussion.”