“Free,” I said.
“Free? What in the fuck does that mean?”
Knox grabbed Forrest’s cuffed hands and started hauling him back toward the cell. Every step of the way, Forrest spewed his venomous words. But they didn’t have the power to hurt me any longer. I refused to let this man have control or power over anything else in my life.
When Knox came back, he looked at me askance. “What changed your mind?”
“He’s sick, isn’t he?” I asked. I knew when someone was on death’s door. I’d seen it with Mama, and I could see it in Forrest’s eyes.
Knox shrugged. “I haven’t had a chance to have someone check it out yet, but he doesn’t look good. Mark’s on his way to pick you up. I’m sorry I can’t run you back home again. I want to try and get some names out of the bastard.”
I nodded. “No worries. I’m just going to walk down to Abberly’s. Would you ask Mark to meet me there?”
Knox nodded. “Sure, have the new deputy walk you down there. I know it’s only a few buildings, but I will feel better knowing that you are safe.”
I nodded and said goodbye. But when I came out of Knox’s office, I found that Katie was busy. I checked my phone and saw that I didn’t have any new messages. So rather than hang around, I dialed Sadie’s number and left the police station. I was just about to the sidewalk when I heard the squealing of tires.
“Sutton, move!” Someone screamed.
I jumped into the bushes just as a black car zoomed by, nearly clipping me.
“Stay down,” Brian yelled. A flurry of bullets exploded around me. I shrank against the earth, not caring that my face was likely being scratched by the prickly shrubs.
I saw the back window of the car blow out right before both rear tires were shot from my vantage point. The car skidded this way and that before it ran into the side of Abberly’s.
I prayed that nobody inside was hurt, but I didn’t dare move yet. The driver flew out of the car just when another shot came from the entrance of Abberly’s. Standing there in the doorway was Alice, holding a small silver pistol.
The driver, whom she had struck, was lying on the ground, not moving.
I saw Brian and his team moving in and yanking the passenger door open. A woman was pulled out, Margaret, I should have known. The driver had the same build as Father Montgomery. It had to be him. Who else could it have been?
“Sutton?” I turned my face to see Natalie’s worried gaze right above me. “We are clear. Let’s get you out of there.”
I took her outstretched hand and was pulled to my feet. I threw my arms around her and hugged her close.
She hugged me back while whispering over and over, “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”
A few moments later, I heard Mark’s voice. I didn’t like the sheer terror I heard in his tone when he asked where I was.
I went from Natalie’s arms straight into Mark’s. Nearly knocking him to the ground, I hugged him as tightly as I could.
“He tried to kill me with his car,” I stumbled over the words, trying to get them out. “If Brian hadn't warned me, he would have hit me. I felt the air whipping past. Mark, I would have been gone—dead. You and the girls, shit, what am I doing here? Why are we still in this crazy fucking place? I'm sorry, so very sorry.”
“Hey,” Mark said softly. “What is this all about?”
“I know I’m making you stay here in Otterville Falls. I’ve been selfish and unfair. It’s probably why all these bad things are happening. It’s all my fault.”
Mark hugged me closer. “You’ve got it all wrong, sweetheart.”
I didn’t even know I was crying until Mark moved back and wiped my cheeks with his thumbs.
“I’m just so sorry,” I cried.
“Hey man, why don’t you get her home,” Brian called out. “I’ll clean up this mess and have someone out to take her statement when she’s ready.”
I didn’t argue when Mark led me to his car. I allowed him to put me inside and to buckle my belt. I don’t know where it came from, but I felt tired. I was utterly exhausted. Before we even arrived home, I had fallen asleep.