“You’ve been having contractions?” he nearly shouted.

“I mean, maybe?” I answered hesitantly. “I read about those Braxton-Hicks contractions. Sometimes I have some tightening in my back and lower abdominal area. But I have kept track of them, and nothing is regular or anything.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Mark asked in a wounded tone.

“I didn’t want to worry anybody if it wasn’t anything.”

Dr. Young nodded. “Honestly, you aren’t dilated more than one, and you’re not effaced at all. I don’t think you are in real labor. However, that doesn’t mean that things can’t progress quickly. I planned on seeing you again in a week, but please don’t hesitate to come in if you think you’re in labor.”

“Okay,” I answered. “We will, I promise.”

“Great. Let’s meet again next week. But as Stephanie said, if you have any questions or concerns before then, please give us a call.”

As we walked out of the doctor’s office, I felt Mark’s gaze on me.

“I’m really sorry I didn’t say anything,” I reiterated.

“Sweet girl, I’m not mad at you. I just want to be able to take care of you.”

“You do take good care of me.” I leaned up to kiss him and felt something tugging on my lower belly. Then I felt a gush of fluid between my legs.

Instead of kissing Mark, I let out a squawk of dismay.

Grasping my arms, he cried out, “What’s wrong?”

“I think my water broke!”


We both looked down to the floor, where it appeared I had peed myself.

“You’re going to have a baby,” he said in wonder.

“I’m going to have two babies,” I parroted back.

And then the firstrealcontraction hit me.



Never again. I hoped to never ever live through another twenty-four hours like those we just had. I would do anything for Sutton, but being beside her and watching the pain her body was putting her through to birth our children? That was damn near excruciating.

At twenty-two hours, Dr. Young decided it was time to suit up and get these babies out, one way or another.

So with trembling hands, I now held Evie or Avery. I wasn’t sure which one. The other was being weighed and prepared by the nurse.

This tiny little bundle in my arms looked a little bit like a wrinkly red potato, an exceptionally angry one. And I loved her more than I could have ever thought possible.

“Here’s your other one, dad,” the nurse said, handing me the other bundle to tuck in my arms.

“Look at you,” Sutton’s voice carried over to me. It was raspy, and she was beyond exhausted. Her hair was matted, and there wasn’t a stitch of makeup on her face. I don’t know what it was about that moment, but I had never found her more beautiful.

I felt my eyes welling up again and felt like a damned pussy. But I didn’t even give a shit about being a pussy. I had already cried once when the babies first arrived. It wasn’t like I could control this emotional roller coaster.

“They are perfect,” I replied, but I was looking at her.

I loved the way her eyes closed and her cheeks pinked. Damn, she was my everything.