
BY THE TIME WE ARRIVEDhome, I was madder than a hornet.

“I could have caught hypothermia in that tissue they called a gown!”

Mark’s eyes danced as he answered, “We can bring your own if you wish, or Dr. Roberts offered to get you a cloth one from the hospital.”

“And that man! He stuck his... well you saw what he did. How could a woman possibly go there willingly? I feel violated.”

“I think you scared the poor man,” Mark replied. “Did you have to tell him that you usually require dinner and a show before going to third base?”

I felt my lips twitch. Dr. Roberts was a good-looking man in his early fifties. I got the impression that his clientele weren’t usually as colorful as I am.

Mark tried to gather me in his arms, but my emotions were running too high.

“Well, he shouldn’t have been feeling me up in the guise of a”—I signed quotation marks— “’breast exam.’ It was indecent!”

“Sweetheart, when was the last time you went to a doctor?”

I frowned. “I don’t remember.” I didn’t remember because it had never happened. That didn’t stop me from arguing. “I sure as shit would have recalled if Doc Zander tried sticking his arm up my vagina. Not to mention the metal clamp. Was that really necessary?”

“I think you surprised him just as much as he surprised you.”

I felt heat flooding my face. “I did say sorry.”

“I don’t think Dr. Roberts was expecting to be kicked in the face,” Mark continued. “I would be willing to bet that this was his most memorable appointment to date.”

I wanted to die.

“How did you get birth control pills without ever getting an exam?” Mark asked.

I shrugged. “They hand those out like candy at the women’s center in Otterville Falls.”

“I don’t even want to think about how frightening that thought is. Sutton, Dr. Roberts was only doing a routine exam. He was the OB-GYN for Mandy Brand. In fact, he’s good friends with Elliot. I have a feeling that I am going to need to smooth some feathers so that he allows us to come back.”

I huffed. “He said that in all of his years of practice he had never had a patient quite like me.”

Mark grinned. “I think Dr. Roberts was trying to say you are unique.”

“More like that I was a pain in the ass,” I said in a small voice.

Mark pulled me close and this time I allowed him.

“Sutton, you are a pain in the ass,” he mumbled into my hair.

I tried to pull back in indignation, but his arms were firm.

“But that doesn’t mean you aren’t the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I have to say, I wasn’t sure what to expect from our baby’s first appointment. But you kicking the doctor’s ass never even occurred to me.”

“It was only a black eye!” I insisted, feeling a bit sheepish. “I thought Tina was going to tackle me. Do you think she has a thing for the doctor?”

Mark’s chuckle sent goosebumps on my skin. “She is rather protective of the man. Did you notice that she went back to calling you Mrs. Landry at the end of the appointment?”

I nodded, moaning a little when he nipped at my earlobe.

“I know that I am acting crazy.” My fingers dug into the muscles of his back. “I can’t seem to help myself.”

He pulled back and cupped my face. “Are you hungry?”