Mark kissed me softly. “Are you ready to go see Dr. Young?”

Dread pooled in my gut. The last thing I wanted to do was to see the boy wonder. It was bad enough that I had been there on our wedding night because of the allergic reaction I had from the shampoo.

Brian never was able to figure out where it came from. Now that Maggie was gone, I had a terrible suspicion that it might be her. I didn’t want to think that. She was so nice and we had let her into our home.

I also wondered how much of it was me wanting to have some family and her being my only link.

I shoved the thought aside. There were some things that I just couldn’t focus on at the moment.

“Dr. McChild looks like he is twelve. I can’t show my vagina to him.”

Mark choked back a laugh. “I am happy that you are being discerning as to who you show your vagina too.”

I poked him.

“But,” he continued, “you need to see a doctor, and Dr. Roberts has sent all of your information to Dr. Young, not as you have nicknamed him...McChild.”

I grimaced. “You don’t understand what it is like. They aren’t just taking a peek beneath the hood. How would you like him poking around your dick, or better yet, your butthole?”

Mark laughed again. “Would you be there? Sounds kinky.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he was waggling his eyebrows.

“You look like a crazy person,” I said.

“You are sounding like one,” he retorted. “Now, am I going to carry you or are you going to walk?”

“You are kind of a bully. They say that people change when they get married. I just hadn’t expected it to happen in the first week.”

Mark laughed again. “I love you. Would you rather see the OB-GYN/veterinarianOBGYN slashVeterinarian?”

A shudder ran through me. “No.”

And then because I had to ask, “Do we know how the piglets are doing?”

Mark’s crooked smile melted my heart. “We got a lovely thank-you note. Apparently, they had never received a newborn gift for their piglets before.”

I blushed. “Well, it seemed the thing to do.”

Rising to my feet, I allowed Mark to escort me out to the garage where I got into the SUV. The drive to Dr. Young’s office wasn’t far and I was thankful to see that the building, an older home that had been remodeled, was in beautiful shape. We walked into the office, and I liked the overstuffed chairs and cozy, homelike feeling.

Oh, Dr. Can’t-Shave-Yet had done an excellent job with whoever did the decorating.

There were two other families there when we registered with the receptionist. I nearly dropped my bag when I saw Reena behind the desk.

“Since when do you work here?” I asked.

She smiled saucily. “Well, I was seeing Dr. Young to help with the depression after Max passed and he was looking for a receptionist. Sutton, I tell you this has been the most fun I’ve had in years.”

I was shocked, to say the least. “,.“Where is Alice?”

Moments later Alice came through the closed door. “Mary Lou?”

“Alice?” I said in surprise. “Do you have a medical background?”

She shook her head. “No, I just call them back to their rooms. Dr. Young has a nurse that does everything else. Don’t I look cute in my uniform?”

Both Reena and Alice were wearing matching scrubs. Alice had to be a size two and Reena a size twenty-two and they both looked absolutely darling.