Knox sighed. “Honest?”
She nodded and steeled herself for the worst.
“Honestly, I didn’t look at her beyond thinking that I was damn lucky to get someone to fill the spot so quickly. And then she started coming on to me. I wanted to fire her immediately, but with all of the ignored open cases here and the government breathing down my neck, I worried if I let her go, they would fire my ass along with hers. I feel like the past eight or nine months I signs, just grateful to have some help. But I hate that I hurt you. I never meant to. Stupidly, I thought you were waiting patiently for me to wrap up this case. Now I know how it must have looked to you. I don’t know what else to say except I would never cheat on you. I only wanted to do what was right for the department. But if I have to choose between the two of you. The choice is clear.”
Candice felt her heart beginning to thaw. “Knox, I don’t know what to say.”
Knox shrugged. “Do you want me to give up being sheriff? Is that what bothers you? Because, Candice, I will do it. I will go back to New York with you and do something there. Sell hot dogs. Shit, I don’t give a fuck! I just want to be with you. Please tell me that it isn’t too late.”
Candice launched herself into his arms. “I am sorry, Knox. I was so jealous of Natalie that I couldn’t see straight.”
“Jealous?” His voice was shocked. “She’s pretty but, Candice, you are gorgeous! Do you not see yourself in the mirror? And even if you weren’t a total knockout, I would still move heaven and earth to be with you. Your heart, your devotion to your friends, you are beautiful inside and out. Natalie is no competition to you.”
Candice choked. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault we grew apart.”
Knox clutched her to him. “I refuse to believe that this isn’t something we can fix. I am in love with you, Candice. So bloody in love that I am making a mess of things.”
She wrapped her arms around his trim waist. “I love you too. So very much, Knox.”
He moved to grasp her face with his hands. Then, tenderly and carefully, he claimed her lips with his own. It was a tentative kiss, almost like it was their first. But once they tasted the familiar taste of each other, the kiss changed. Hunger began to flame inside of Knox. He needed her in a way that was almost painful.
Candice kissed him back, pouring out all of the love that was trapped inside of her. The jealousy and frustration of the past began to fade. This was what she needed. Knox was who she was meant to be with.
Suddenly she regretted telling Knox that being naked was a bad idea. She wanted him naked, buck ass naked and preferably balls deep inside of her. She yanked at the buckle of his belt at the same time he was trying to figure out how to get her out of the maid of honor gown she was still clothed in.
Finally giving up, Knox grabbed the material and yanked it in half, buttons flying through the air.
Candice let out a horrified laugh. “That was designer.”
Knox’s nostrils flared as he smelled her sweet perfume and the scent of a woman.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he said gruffly.
Candice yanked the dress off and was left in a mini corset and white silk panties.
Knox could hardly breathe. “You’ve had that on all day?”
Candice looked down. Her breasts were shoved together by the corset and looked like they were being offered to him. It made her waist look tiny, and she said a silent prayer of thanks that she had gotten the Brazilian the last time she went to the salon. There might be some crazy things in Otterville Falls, but they knew how to do a great Brazilian.
She cocked a hip. “Do you like what you see, Sheriff?”
Knox’s eyes narrowed. “I think you might be in danger of indecent exposure, Ma’am.”
Candice ran a finger across her collarbone, down to the swell of her breast, dipping between them.
“Whatever do you mean, officer? It’s just so darn hot.”
Candice began unlacing the stays of her demi corset and loved the way his pants got tighter and his cock grew thicker.
Knox pulled his handcuffs out. “Looks like the lady might need to be taught a lesson.”
Candice felt a thrill race through her, and in defiance she pushed the corset off, revealing her breasts.
“Do you worst, officer.”