Mark took my hand. “You have to keep the mask on, Sutton. Please, Baby, we need to get you better.”
I closed my eyes and felt the mask go back on my face. But this time I didn’t shove it away. I didn’t want Mark to be sad; he was my new husband.
I was married to Mark.
The next thing I knew, I awakened, feeling groggy with an IV in my arm. Dr. McChild, or whatever his name was, was speaking with Mark over by the door.
“Poisoning,” he said firmly. “She is allergic to whatever was in her system. Did she eat something new? Use a different lotion or detergent?”
“Shampoo,” I croaked. “I used a new shampoo this morning. It came when the groceries were delivered yesterday.”
The men immediately walked over to me.
“I used the new shampoo and didn’t have any problem.” Mark frowned.
Dr. McChild looked at my chart. “Are you allergic to anything, Sutton?”
I shook my head. “Not that I was aware of.”
“Can we get some of that shampoo in for testing?” he asked earnestly.
Mark nodded. “I will call my brother, Brian. You are certain this was poisoning?”
The young doctor sighed. “I would be shocked if it wasn’t.”
It was just then that Knox and Candice came bursting in the door.
"Are you alright?" Maggie was right behind them, followed by Brian. Mark gathered them all together and the doctor repeated his conclusions.
Brian left immediately to get the shampoo while Maggie and Candice tried to cheer me up. Mark and Knox were speaking in low voices. and I couldn't make out what they were saying. It seemed that they agreed on something, because Mark turned to me and smiled softly.
"I love you," he said quietly.
"What do you think of your wedding night?" I said, motioning to my hospital gown. "Are you impressed with my lingerie?"
Knox coughed, and the girls laughed.
Mark walked forward and kissed my lips. "You are the sexiest recovering pomegranate that I have ever seen."
It's a good thing I love him.