
“Dear friends, family, and loved ones...”

“Aaachooo!” Praying that I didn’t have boogies hanging off of my nose, I motioned for Knox to continue.

Knox’s lips twitched. “God bless you. We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of...”

“Aaachooo!” Damn it, what was wrong with me?

“Sutton, are you alright?” Mark leaned over and whispered in my ear.

Obviously, I was not alright. My head felt stuffy and I knew that more sneezes were around the corner.

“Where was I?” Knox shifted nervously.

He was standing under the gazebo that had been brought in for the wedding. We were in the rose garden that had been hastily planted for today. There were several rows filled to the brim with people from town. Even Mandy and her husband Elliot had flown in for the day. They didn’t want to leave their daughter overnight, so they wouldn’t be staying long after the ceremony.

Mandy and Maggie were beautiful bridesmaids and Candice was as stunning as the maid of honor. Brian looked pretty good all decked out in his tux, but Mark—he... He literally took my breath away.

Or maybe that was the roses?

“Just keep going!”

Knox nodded. “Right, erm, we have gathered here to witness the marriage of two individuals and to offer our love and support for your commitment to one another. We are thankful for your presence and would like to ask your blessing, well wishes, and...”

“Aaachooo! Damn it!” I took the handkerchief that Mark offered, wondering where on earth he came up with it.

Several people in the crowd snickered.

Knox cleared his throat. “—and encouragement for their decision to be married. They also remember other loved ones who cannot be here to share...”

“Aaachoo! Skip to the important parts!” I hissed, handing my flowers off to Candice. Maybe I was allergic to something in the bouquet?

“Important parts—I can do that. Um, here, Sutton repeat after me: I, Sutton Landry...”

“I, Sutton Landry...” I looked up into Mark’s eyes. I really loved this man.

“Take Mark Williams, to have and to hold.”

Mark’s silvery eyes were glued to my face. He was worried about whatever he saw there.

“Sutton?” Knox prompted.

Right, I was supposed to talk.

“Take Mark Williams to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer and whatever else Knox has written down until death do us part. And yes, I will.”

I looked at Mark, who couldn’t help the raised brow and curve of humor to his lips.

“I, Mark Williams, take you, Sutton Landry, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer.” He paused. “And something about Knox’s speech until death do us part. And yes, Sutton, it is always yes. I choose you.”

I felt a lump in my throat. “I choose you.”

Knox was scrambling through his notes; obviously, we had skipped a few steps and he needed to catch up.
