Slowly she lowered herself and then rose up, only to sink back down again. It was achingly slow and I felt the heat from every slide into her channel. My hands moved up to her breasts and began to tweak her nipples. I loved the way they tightened into hard points. When I flicked at them with my tongue, I could feel her pussy tighten on my cock.

Her breathing hitched and she began to move a little faster. I grinned to myself, but she leaned down and captured my lips with a kiss. I loved kissing her while I was inside of her. I can’t explain it, but it felt incredibly intimate. Her kiss was heated and sloppy as her thrusts became harder and faster. I tensed, feeling the familiar tingle in my spine. I wasn’t about to come before she had another release.

My hand snuck between us and I began to rub circles on her clit, that little, swollen bud that was standing at attention. She gasped at the sensation and her pussy clenched me like a vise. My balls tightened and I knew I was going to come. I kissed her hard, rubbing furiously and thrusting my hips up. My seed filled her, and it seemed that the moment I started coming, she erupted. Her body clamped down on mine and I felt myself going again, or maybe it was just an extremely long release.

Either way, by the time I was finished I felt completely boneless. I couldn’t even move. All I knew was that I had the perfect woman in my arms.

“That,” I panted, “that was incandescent.”

She laughed, her body strewn across mine. “I would have to agree with you about that.”

“Sutton, let’s get married.”

I hadn’t meant to bring it up again. I knew that she wanted to wait until everything in Otterville Falls was taken care of. But I was tired of waiting. I had a raw desire to make this woman my wife. I felt like every moment I was letting slip away was time wasted.

I almost apologized. I didn’t mean to rush her, or if I did, I certainly didn’t want it to look that way.

“Sutton, look,” I began.

But she placed her finger on my lips, stopping me from speaking.

“Okay,” she said softly.

I blinked. “Okay, that means yes?”

She kissed my lips. “That means yes. One week, here in the garden. We will need to ask Knox to officiate since Father Montgomery is on the run.”

She grimaced when she said the last part.

“If you want to get married in a church, we can do that.”

She shook her head. “I was never welcome there, not really. And recently it reminds me of those we have lost. I want to get married here. It’s our home.” Her eyes twinkled. “And I think the Gray Lady would like that.”

I shuddered. “Thank heavens we haven’t seen her of late.”

Sutton pursed her lips. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“If you tell me she’s watching us, I might need to throw up.” And,” I said, and I wasn’t kidding.

Sutton laughed. “No, I don’t see her right now. But I did the other day in the bathroom again. Do you know what the room was before the remodel?”

I shook my head. “No idea what it was used for. But it was part of the master bedroom before we decided to add the bedroom next to this as one big suite.”

“I have a theory,” she said, propping herself on one elbow. I loved the way her dark, just-fucked hair made a halo around her head.

“What is that?”

“I think it was her room,” Sutton mused. “The small room that they added. You know how they said she came here as a mail-order bride?”

My nose wrinkled. “Do I want to hear the rest of this?”

“Hush,” she retorted. “It makes sense to me. I just wonder why she can’t move on.”

“Sutton, I don’t believe in ghosts,” I stated firmly.

She rolled her eyes at me. “Right? That’s why you screamed like a little girl the time you saw her.”

“It was probably a shadow.” I kissed her forehead. “Or even my imagination.”