Candice smiled. “Still sleeping, I just checked in with her. I also have compiled a list of OB-GYN’s in a thirty-mile radius like you suggested. It should be in your email. I contacted Dr. Roberts and he said that flying in for prenatal appointments won’t work with his schedule, but he greatly appreciates your generous compensation proposal.”
I tilted my head to the side, considering the smirk on her face. “Candice, are you making fun of me?”
“Mr. Williams,” her eyes danced, “I would never!”
The corner of my mouth quirked. “I might be acting a little irrational, but my world depends on her health and happiness.”
Candice’s smile faded. “I completely understand. It’s because of you and Sutton that I still believe in love. We will come through this, Sir.”
I nodded.
“Were you able to go through the documents?” she asked, changing the subject.
I looked down to the desk where they were spread out.
“Much of it is stocks and bonds, old ones that are worth a fortune. The concern is, how do we know if they were Judith’s from before her marriage or if she did indeed take them from Forrest?”
“New rule,” I huffed as we walking out of yet another country OB-GYN office. “The doctor has to only see human patients.”
Candice snorted and covered it with a cough.
Mark raised a brow. “To be fair, they were his piglets.”
I slipped into the front seat of the car and Mark closed the door after making sure that Candice was also inside safely. To some women, this might bother them. I know that I am fully capable of opening and closing my car door. But the fact that Mark wants to open and close them as a sign of respect and chivalry, yeah, there is no way I am going to shoot that down.
When he slid behind the wheel, I continued the conversation. “It’s bad business to run out of the middle of a meeting to see your farm animals give birth.”
Mark grinned. “It could have been worse; the sow could have been delivering at the office.”
Candice giggled from the backseat. “I think that was my favorite part! When you asked him if the veterinarian had been called, Sutton. His face was priceless! He looked so perturbed, like you were doubting his abilities.”
“What about the one that had the lifesized cut out of his son? He was still my favorite!” Mark added as we began the long drive back to Otterville Falls.