Shaking off those thoughts, I helped Sutton to her feet and we left the Sheriff’s office. From there she insisted on stopping at Alice and Reena’s place.

I had no idea the two women were so attached to Max. He was a crusty son-of-a-bitch that never did impress me. But they sobbed and carried on like they had lost the greatest saint to ever walk the earth. Do people always have to be dead in order to appreciate them? They did the same thing when Gabe passed. I just didn’t get it.

By the time I got Sutton out of there and headed back to the house, we were able to meet Candice, who had stopped by Abberly’s and picked up some dinner. I had to admit that Martha was a damn fine cook.

We placed the dishes in the sink and spent the next few hours watching television until I noticed that Sutton was nodding off. Brian still wasn’t home yet, so Candice opted to stay up for him, but I took Sutton upstairs to bed.

The moment I set her down, she wrapped her arms around my neck and tried pulling me on top of her.

“You are going to smash the baby.” I rolled to the side and pulled her with me.

Sutton laughed, the sound so fucking sexy that my cock hardened with record speed.

“It’s not funny.” I nipped at her bottom lip, while kneading her round ass in my large hands.

She moaned softly,. “You aren’t going to smash the baby, Mark.”

“I am taking care of my family, woman, don’t get involved.”

Her eyes danced with mirth. “Do you honestly think that caveman shit is going to work with me?”

I yanked her wrists above her head, holding them with one hand and then answered her with one word.


I released her hands for just a moment while I divested her of her shirt and bra. I was just as quick with her jeans, loving that these pregnancy pants slid on and off with ease. She called them ‘mom jeans’ or something and complained about how unsexy they were.

“I think I am in love with your preggo-pants,” I murmured.

Sutton barked out a laugh. “You might be the only person in existence that likes them.”

“Loves them,” I corrected. “How could I not love pants that come off in seconds? And if you are wearing them, they are sexy as fuck.”

Her eyes darkened, and then widened when I grabbed her hands and yanked them once again above her head. But this time I used a soft cloth to tie them together.

“Can you keep them above your head, or do I need to attach that to the headboard?”

Sutton blinked, those dark eyes begging me for all the naughty things that I wanted to do to her.

“I can keep them there,” she rasped.

I grabbed her legs and parted her thighs impossibly wide. “Are you good?”

Sutton’s breathing had increased but she held my gaze. “Perfect.”

I looked at her pretty pink pussy, wet and plump with need and desire. I saw the way her full breasts seemed to elongate their tips just so they could reach out and touch me.

She had goosebumps on her flesh and the heady smell of her arousal was in the air. Her black hair was strewn across our linens and the tender curve of her baby bump had my dick throbbing. Never in my life had I ever seen anything so fucking amazing.

I could hardly breathe. “Sutton, fuck, Sutton.”

She smiled. It was slow and sensuous as it slid into place. Her eyes narrowed and she opened her thighs even wider in invitation.

I wanted to take a picture of her to savor this moment for the rest of my life. I knew that I would be using this for fodder when she wasn’t around. My dick was painful in my pants. It wanted inside of her, the sooner the better.

But I wanted to make this good for her. Sutton was my life and I needed to make sure she realized it. I started kissing along the edge of her foot and she laughed, because my Sutton is horribly ticklish. She squealed and moved her legs away.

I grabbed one slim ankle and shrugged. “Looks like we are going to need more ties.”