I leaned down and kissed her, loving the feel of her in my arms and the burning in my gut that always came from being close to her. I deepened the kiss, pulling her curvy body into my erection and loving the little baby bump that we had created together.

Sutton threw one of her legs over mine and I cupped her ass, squeezing it tight.

“I want to go with you,” she murmured before sucking on my Adam’s apple and causing my dick to throb.

“I don’t want you anywhere near that fucker until I know for sure he isn’t a danger to you. Brian will be here to take care of you and I will be home later today. I am not even staying over. Besides, your cousin is supposed to arrive soon.”

Her hand reached out and cupped my dick., and I have to admit that I lost my train of thought for a moment as the sensations washed over me.

When she began to stroke me, I knew I was a goner. “That feels so good, baby.”

She was wet and aching when my finger touched her pussy, and suddenly I needed to be inside of her more than anything in the world. Shoving the blankets away, I lifted her leg higher on my hip and sank inside of her wet heat.

Sutton moaned, her mouth searching out and finding mine. Our kiss was as deep and slow as the strokes of my cock in her heat. Nothing in the world could ever compare to what it was like to make love to her.

I knew that we had planned on a big wedding in New York. But, but the longer we were stuck here, the more I wanted to just head to the justice of the peace. I loved this woman more than the stars in the sky and I wanted to call her my wife.

Sutton’s core clamped down as her release began to build. I snuck a hand between us and started to rub her clit as I thrust into her again and again.

She broke her mouth away, crying out my name, and then she was coming. Her pussy was so fucking tight on my dick that I couldn’t have held back my release if I wanted to. I loved the feel of her squeezing me, milking me until there was nothing left.

We lay in each other’s arms. I hadn’t even pulled out of her body yet. If I could figure out a way to be connected always, I would have done it.

“Baby, I really have to go.”

I kissed her softly again and then pulled out. She whimpered at the loss but didn’t say anything when I stood up and went to the new master bathroom. Flipping on the shower for the second time that day, I was grateful that we had gone with the tankless water heater, which should never run out of hot water.

I was lathering up when I looked across the steamy mirror and saw a faded woman standing there in an old-fashioned gray gown. I am not proud of my next actions. All I can say for my behavior is that she scared the ever-loving piss out of me, because when I screamed, it nearly brought the house down.

Sutton stumbled out of bed, yanking down her nightshirt and promptly tripping over the shoes that I had left there to put on before I left. She yelped in pain and I grabbed her and tried to run when the door to our bedroom slammed open and Brian stood there in his boxers, aiming a gun.

“Where is he?” Brian shoved past us and went into the bathroom.

Candice peeked around the corner and caught a glimpse of my naked ass with Sutton in my arms. She squeaked and abruptly went back down the stairs. By the time Brian came back into our room he was frowning.

“I didn’t see anything. What happened?”

Sutton started laughing, and it was then that Brian noticed my lack of clothing.

“Fuck, Mark, get some damn clothes on!”

“It was that ghost lady! She was in the bathroom just a few minutes ago!”

If I ever held any respect from my half-brother, I may have lost it in that moment. Shaking his head in disgust, he walked out of our bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

“That’s a new door!” I barked out.

Sutton was laughing so hard I almost dropped her out of spite. It was a good thing I loved her, and she was carrying our child.

“So, do you believe in ghosts now?”

I tossed her onto the bed, where she bounced twice before landing and turning to stare at my naked body.

“Well?” she demanded.

“Yes, alright, it freaked me out. Sutton, there was a ghost in the bathroom when I was showering.”

“Maybe she’s a voyeur.” Sutton’s eyes sparkled with mischief.