Candice groaned. “I know! I am a jealous cow. She is curvy and leans over everything. Half the time she is shoving her tits in his face, and the other half it’s like she’s handing out an invitation for anal.”
I snorted with laughter.
Candice smiled sadly. “I realize how unreasonable this sounds, but I can’t help the rage that builds up every time I think about her.”
“Does Knox know how you feel?”
Candice sighed. “I don’t know. I tried to be diplomatic about it.”
“Okay, that sounds reasonable.” I encouraged her to keep talking.
“I asked how things were working out with Natalie, and Knox went on and on about what a great job she was doing. He said that she helped relieve his stress.”
My lips twitched. “I don’t think he was referring to blowjobs, Candice.”
Her eyes snapped to mine. “You don’t know that! Remember Bethany the Bitch? She would have sucked anybody’s dick to get a leg up. She just happened to have a handsome boss.”
Her heat surprised me, and I held up my hands. “You are right, I haven’t met her. But I do know Knox. He, and he cares for you; he’s not running around getting a piece of ass on the side.”
She grumbled something that I didn’t quite hear. “What was that?”
Candice glared at me. “I don’t want to tell you.”
This was getting better by the minute. “Why?”
“I may have asked Knox to fire her.” Her cheeks flushed with the admonition.
I snorted. “He can’t fire someone from another county. And seriously? You did?”
Candice dropped her head into her hands. “I told Knox that he needed to get rid of Natalie. I gave him an ultimatum.”
Suddenly her eyes were glittering, and I knew that things were much more serious than I had previously thought.
“Candice, what did you do?”
She whimpered a little, the sound so unlike her that I really was getting worried.
“I told him if he didn’t get rid of Natalie that I wasn’t going to sit around and watch him fuck the secretary. And he just sent me a text saying that he can’t get rid of her.”
My eyes went wide. “Candice, she’s not his secretary or technically even his employee. He can’t fire her because you’re jealous.”
“I know,” Candice wailed. “That’s what he said too. Then he said a whole lot of other things about me being unreasonable. And how you can’t fire people because your girlfriend is insecure.”
I drew in a harsh breath. “He didn’t!”
She closed her eyes and a lone tear escaped, blazing a trail down her cheek. “He did. And the worst part?”
I nodded.
“He’s right. I am being unreasonable and insecure.”
I wasn’t sure what to say. “Candice, you can’t help how you feel. Maybe if you sat down and talked it all out with Knox, maybe that would help.”
She bit her lip. “He didn’t even consider my feelings.”
“I am so sorry. How did things end?”
She shrugged. “I threw down that silly ultimatum and came back to New York. I told you that I needed to clear things up but honestly, I was taking a break. Everything was happening so fast with Knox. What is the end result, Sutton? Am I really going to give my entire life up to live in Otterville Falls? What would I do? What happens if Knox and I fall apart?”