“You really are a dumbass, aren’t you?” Sutton replied, shaking her head in disgust. “Candice came back here sobbing that you didn’t want her.”

Knox bristled. “I want her more than the air I breathe.”

“Then maybe you should tell her that instead of ‘stick around,’ dumbass.”

His cheeks heated. “Have I lost my chance?”

Sutton shrugged. “I don’t know. But if you are half the man that I think you are, another sun won’t set without you telling that woman how you feel.”

Knox turned with determination and strode toward the door.

I couldn’t help but chuckle and follow as Sutton hightailed it after him. Life had been one big adventure after another since Sutton had come into it.

“Where is her damn office?” Knox demanded halfway down the corridor.

“You can’t swear, dumbass! This is the city!” Sutton responded.

People had begun to come out of their offices to see what all of the commotion was about.

Candice opened her door and gasped as Knox reached out and yanked her against his chest.

“Sutton said you had a broken heart,” Knox boomed out.

The look Candice gave Sutton could have frozen hell. I wrapped a protective arm around her.

“Sutton should learn to keep things in confidence,” Candice bit out.

Knox shook his head. “No, she shouldn’t. Because I have been ripping my hair out trying to figure out why you left me.”

“Left you?” Candice seemed to forget she was in the office. “All I was to you was a bit of fun. What did you say to me? ‘Hey, stick around, sweetheart, and we can have some fun!’Do you have any idea how much you hurt me? I thought...”

Her voice broke and he pulled her tighter against him despite the way she was pounding on his chest.

“You thought we were falling in love?” Knox asked gently.

Candice began to cry, and Knox looked like he was fighting back emotion.

Shit, Carol from accounting was beginning to tear up. I yanked Sutton back against my chest and watched along with everyone else as Knox professed his love.

“I don’t think—IknowI am in love with you. I have been ever since I first set eyes on you in Otterville Falls. I can’t sleep without you there. I’m not eating, but mostly I am sick, and completely and totally heartbroken. So, if I am barking up the wrong tree, I need to know now, Candice. Because I have never loved a woman like I love you.”

She launched herself at him and they began to kiss like they were the only ones in the room, or hallway as it were. Cheers from fellow staffers erupted around them and after a moment they broke apart. Candice’s eyes were shining as she cupped his unshaved chin.

“I love you, ya big cowboy. Maybe I can stick around a while.”

“Or forever,” he added hopefully.

She smiled so wide it wrinkled her nose. “Maybe that too.”

All thoughts of the investigation were pushed aside as these two finally ironed out their differences.