“Yes.” I grinned. “Tomorrow we will be helping set up all of the booths.”

Mark groaned. “’We,’ meaning ‘me’?”

I smiled wider. “Precisely. I shall act as management.”

He growled and nipped at my ear.

Knox had gathered his hat and was moving toward the door. Almost as if he couldn’t help himself, he turned back to look at Candice. She was staring at his back and stood the moment he turned. Almost like a movie, she raced into his arms and kissed him goodbye.

It wasn’t overly dramatic or gushy, but it said more than mere words could.

Brian excused himself, and Mark went to get some work done in his office. Candice pretended to look at a magazine by her side.

“Spill it,” I pounced, snatching the magazine away.

Her cheeks reddened and her eyes lit with excitement. “Everything is just as it should be. I was silly to get so jealous of Natalie.”

I grinned at her. “Tell me everything!”

Candice told me what happened between the two of them, down to the naughty details.

I sighed. “You two are perfect for each other.”

She gave me a funny look. “Why do you sound sad?”

I hadn’t realized that she would pick up on it. I wasn’t sad, not really. I just hated change. I knew that eventually Mark and I would return to the city and Sutton Enterprises. Sure, we would visit and spend time here, but Candice and I had become like sisters. I didn’t want to see it end.

However, I also knew that I was being a selfish cow. This was her time, and I would be damned if I would make her feel bad.

“I’m not sad.” I took her hand. “I am so happy for you and Knox. Truly, I couldn’t be more excited. Also, I think we need to research BDSM toys.”

Her face flushed with embarrassment. “Sutton!”

“What?” I laughed. “It will be fun. Let me grab my laptop!”


TWO HOURS LATER WErolled with laughter as I suggested installing a St. Andrew’s Cross in the basement.

“Oh! Candice, look, you can get the dungeon kit and a bondage horse together!”

She pointed to the one below it. “This one vibrates. What is that thing sticking out?”

I looked closer. “I think that’s his penis.”

Our heads tipped to the side as we tried to figure out what we were seeing.

A little further down, Candice exclaimed, “Oh! That earring is so cute!”

I nearly spit the ice tea that I was drinking across the room.

“That isn’t an earring. That is a butt plug.”

Candice frowned. “No, it couldn’t be.”

I clicked on the image and a site pulled up with hundreds of pretty butt plugs with jewels on the end.

“Hey, Sutton, I was wondering if you wanted to...” Mark’s voice trailed off. “What are you looking at?”