I looked at Mark to see if he had anything planned. He and he nodded in response. “Sounds good to me.”
We spent most of the morning putting things away how I wanted them and then meeting the new maid who would be coming in twice a week to help out. I was mortified that Mark had not only hired a maid, but chosen one without my knowledge.
But once I met Besty Mae, I knew that we would get along like a house on fire. She was home from college and needed to earn a little money before she went back. Mark told me later that we would be paying her full tuition, and I marveled for the millionth time what an amazing man he was.
By the time we arrived at Abberly’s, I was starving. It seemed that breakfast was a hundred years ago. I walked in and immediately was taken back to the time when Mark and I had first met. I was late for work and Gabe was on my ass. It was hard to fathom that Gabe was gone now.
Abberly’s itself looked about the same, but since Martha took over it was spotless and actually served good food. The same fry cook was behind the grill, but even he had a smile and a wave when we came in.
“Well, hey there.” Martha said when she came out to greet us. “How was the first night in the Baker Mansion?”
My eyes flew to Mark because I knew that he hated the fact our new home was called by its former title.
“It was perfect,” Mark replied with a stiff smile. “We’re supposed to be meeting Candice and Brian.”
Martha nodded. “Of course! I seated them out on the patio; come with me.”
She was so different from the nasty woman that I grew up with. But I had to admit, I liked Martha more than ever. She had so many layers that I hadn’t any clue about.
When we walked out onto the patio, Candice and Brian were laughing over large glasses of iced tea.
“Looks like you two are having fun,” I commented as Mark and I took our seats.
“Sutton, you will never believe what Brian said to Father Montgomery.”
I turned to Brian. “That man has been a thorn in my side for longer than I can remember.”
Brian nodded. “Candice and I stopped near the church to visit with Earl, and Father Montgomery came charging across the lawn. He proceeded to ask who I was and if I had anything to do with the likes of that sinner Sutton Landry.”
Mark bristled by my side, but Candice waveed him off. “No! You have to hear what Brian said. It’s perfect.”
Brian smiled at Candice. “I told him to watch his mouth; he was talking about my future sister-in-law.”
“And that he was a self-righteous prig that needed to learn his place,” Candice finished. “Father Montgomery’s face turned puce and he stormed off. It was wonderful.”
Mark clenched his jaw. “Something needs to be done about that man.”
Brian nodded. “I agree. He is a menace.”
I felt a surge of pride. “Thank you for standing up for me.”
Mark clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”
It was then that Knox walked out on the patio. He did a double take when he saw the four of us sitting together. I felt Candice stiffen beside me.
Mark stood and shook his hand, followed by Brian. I noticed that when Knox shook hands with Brian, they both squeezed awfully hard. It appeared they were in a silent pissing contest.
“You are welcome to pull up a chair,” I said, trying to help the tension fade a little.
Knox frowned. “No, thank you. I was just looking for someone.”
Mark raised a brow. “Did you find them?”
Knox looked straight at Candice. “They were busy.”
Her cheeks heated and Brian slipped an arm around the back of her chair. Knox’s nostrils flared and I wondered if he was going to hit him.
Mark sensed that things were getting ugly so he tried to fill the gap. Unfortunately, he picked the worst subject to bring up. “How is your new deputy working out?”