And then the phone started ringing—again.
It was obvious that Sutton wasn’t going to get up to answer the phone. Candice thought about ignoring it, but the caller had already tried two different times. Something felt—off. She climbed out of bed and padded into the tiny kitchen of the trailer.
Sutton’s phone was on the counter near her purse and the name that was flashing caused heat to rise in Candice’s cheeks. It was the same person that was responsible for her sleepless night, Sheriff Knox Bridges.
Of course, Sutton didn’t have him under anything so formal. Knoxy-poo with a big kissy face flashed as the call came dangerously close to being shipped to voice mail.
Candice grabbed the phone, swiping it in the process. “Hello? Argh!”
It was too bad that she didn’t hang on to it. Miss Butter Fingers strikes again! Picking the phone up off the floor, Candice double checked that the screen hadn’t been cracked before she attempted to answer it another time.
“Erm, hello?” a distinctly amused male voice filtered through the phone.
Candice blushed ten shades of red. “Sorry, Sheriff Bridges, what can I do for you?”
He paused. “Candice?”
Why did her name on his lips sound like melted chocolate, or better yet, hot kinky sex?
“Yes, this is Sutton—I mean, Candice.” She smacked her forehead at her insanity. “Sheriff, Sutton isn’t awake yet, can I take a message?”
He blew out a breath. “It’s an emergency or I would say not to wake her. Could you possibly put her on the phone?”
It was her turn to hold her tongue. How could Candice explain to the sexy sheriff that she didn’t want to walk in on her immediate boss and the CEO of the company? For all she knew, they were naked and there were some things that you just couldn’t unsee.
“Candice.” If possible, his voice was even deeper when he caressed her name. “Is Sutton—does Sutton have company?”
Candice nodded, and then it dawned on her that he couldn’t see that.
Stupid hormones!
“Yes, Sheriff, it is just as you say.” She was relieved that he had figured it out.
“I’m headed over there, this is better said in person.”
Candice blanched; it took her at least an hour to get ready in the morning.
Squeaking, she blurted out, “How soon will you be here?”
“Anxious to see me, Candice?”
She snorted. “I just want to be dressed first.”
There was another pause while Knox took a minute to picture the curvy Candice without the smart business clothes. And damn, his imagination deserved a moment of silence.
“Don’t get dressed on my account,” he managed to get through a strangled voice.
Candice’s eyes closed as she silently berated herself. “It’s not that I am not dressed. I am dressed, just not for the day. I mean, I’ve seen people in less at the grocery store, but then there will always be those people that push the limits. I am not one of them.”
Horrified at her babbling, Candice was thrilled when someone started banging on the trailer door.
“I have to run, there is someone at the door.”
“Don’t answer that door!” The voice was sharp and commanding.
But Candice had never been one to listen to orders. Opening the door, she spied an elderly gentleman that looked like he was on his last legs. Skinny and bent, he gave her a grin that sported more holes than teeth.
“I need some breakfast.” The old man shoved past Candice with surprising strength. “Where is Sutton?”