Page 61 of Sutton's CEO

“And Max, why did he lie about knowing my daddy? Why did he lie about having another family? It wasn’t like Mama didn’t have sex with married men, because she did. Shit, everyone in town seemed to know who was coming and going from this place.”

I felt the anger rise inside of me.

“And then there is Gabriel. He has always been something of a jackass to me. But coming all the way to the city to find me? That’s just weird. Where is this all leading to? What am I missing? Because it seems the only link between all of it is me.”

Mark clutched my face and forced me to look at him. “It isn’t your fault, Sutton. None of this is your fault. Not Max, not Gabriel, and certainly not your mother. For some reason, you have been caught in the crossroads, but you are not to blame for any of it.”

“Maybe it was my fault,” I choked out. “About what happened with Mama. Maybe it was my birth that sent her on that downward spiral.”

Mark’s hands slipped to my shoulders. His hands tightened as if he wanted to shake me.

“No,” he demanded, “You are wrong. The choices that your mother made—they are on her. You can’t keep blaming yourself for everything. Fuck, it’s like you have been punishing yourself for years simply because you were born. That’s fucked up, sweetheart. You are a blessing in the world. Why can’t you see that?”

My heart was breaking into a million pieces. Mark was right. I was so fucked up that there might not ever be a way to put me back together again. I tried over and over again to be good enough, but no matter what I did my mama always slipped back into her habits.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“We are buying a new bed for this place tomorrow,” I grumbled into Sutton’s hair as we both tried to keep from falling into the pit in the middle.

I hated the fact that she insisted on keeping her ramshackle trailer, but I would be damned if we had to sleep in a bed that was older than I was.

Her hands were placed on my chest, but it wasn’t in the possessive way that I liked. It was as if she were holding on to a lifeline. Her fingers dug into my white t-shirt. I didn’t need to see her fists to know that she was holding me with a white-knuckle grip.

“I can’t shake the feeling that something is really wrong, Mark.”

I hated the fear and hesitation that laced her soft words. Sutton should never be afraid or doubt herself. She is incredible and didn’t deserve the shit life that had dealt her.

I started to rub circles on her back, trying to tell myself that I wasn’t seducing her. Sutton was hurting and confused. This wasn’t the time to try and get into her pants. The problem was my dick had other ideas. Stupid fucker only thought about getting into Sutton’s pants and nothing else.

I moved my hips back a fraction of an inch, and it was just enough for one of those old springs to fail and I rolled more firmly into the front of her body. There was no mistaking the massive length that was pressed firmly against her.

Even if I would have questioned her missing it, her sharply inhaled breath told me what I needed to know.

“I’m sorry,” I said gruffly, hoping she would drop it. I already felt like an ass for not taking things more seriously when Gabriel had come into our office. I wished that I had punched the motherfucker out. Let him try and sue me. He was trespassing and we both had known it.

Sutton released my shirt and I immediately felt the loss of connection.

“Sutton, I can’t help what my dick does. He has a mind of his own around you. I won’t try anything, I swear it.”

She made a hushing noise and then tugged at the hem of my shirt.

I yanked it over my head, and she placed her small hands on my heated flesh. Slowly she pushed me onto my back, kissing my neck, collarbone, and every inch of my abs down to the deep v-cut of my hips.

My hands sank into the soft material of her camisole and yanked it over her head. Those perfect tits that had cradled my dick before had me panting with the need to taste them, suck on them, and mark them as my own.

She pulled the waistband of my sleep pants down over my cock, yanking the underwear down with it. I was afraid to speak, or even breathe. I didn’t want to break the spell. Usually, it was me being the aggressor, but not tonight. I wasn’t sure if she needed to control something and I was the closest target or if this was something that got her off. Frankly, I didn’t care. It was sexy as fuck and I wanted to see where she would be going with it.

She licked the skin on my hip and took a teasing bite out of the other side. I couldn’t help the growl that escaped my lips, and my hands sunk into her gorgeous dark hair. Lick, suck, lick, suck, slowly she made her way to my cock, which was already coated with precum.

“Fuck, Sutton, what are you doing to me?”

Her check brushed the side of my cock and then she winked at me before swiping the tip with the broadside of her tongue.

My hips jerked and I struggled to remain still and let her do whatever she wanted. Lazily, she traced the rim with her pink little tongue and then she licked my dick like it was her favorite flavored lollipop.

Just when I didn’t think I could take it a minute longer, she slipped down and sucked one of my balls into her mouth.