I gawked at him. “Why?”
His steel gray eyes bore into mine. “Because, Sutton, we find ourselves in a precarious situation. We have the project with Brand and several others that need to go through. The last thing that our business needs—tabloid drama. If our competitors were to ferret out any weakness in our armor, they will exploit it. This is the best way to nip the situation in the bud before it becomes a problem.”
A problem. That is what I was: a problem.
“What about the women that you date?” I blurted out.
His face reddened, “What women?”
“I know that you dated before I came here. I felt bad that I was crushing your social life, but now that we are supposed to be engaged…” I trailed off, not knowing quite what to say.
He shook his head. “That doesn’t matter. The future of Sutton Enterprises has to be our main goal. We can give it some time and then amicably decide to part. The rich and famous do it all the time.”
I felt a quick stab in my gut when he mentioned parting. This engagement wasn’t real, and I didn’t want it to be.
“What is the alternative?” I whispered.
Mark sighed, “You could always take the money and go back to Otterville Falls. But before you say that you will take that option to save your nonexistent social life, I am leading: I need to tell you something. Sutton, you are doing a phenomenal job learning the business. I have to be honest that I wasn’t sure you had it in you. To leave at this point is almost criminal. You were meant to do great things. Please just give it a chance?”
My mind was whirling. Did Mark actually use the word ‘please’ with me? And phenomenal? What in the fuck was going on? I felt my cheeks heat and my heart fill to overflowing. It was more praise than I had ever been given in my entire life. Ruth Ann was the only person who ever saw anything in me, besides my mama when she wasn’t high.
Mark speaking so highly of me had my emotions ruling my mind, and before I knew what I was doing, I had agreed to the engagement.
“You’ll do it?” He seemed shocked, and I laughed.
“Yes, I will be your fake fiancé for the sake of the company, as romantic as that sounds.”
He grinned at me, the crooked smile so genuine that I nearly lost my breath. He was one of those men that exudes so much masculinity and dominance that I wasn’t used to him being so open. I smiled back shyly.
He looked dazed and shook his head. “I had someone pick up a ring. It’s around here somewhere.”
I froze. “Not Bethany. Please tell me it wasn’t Bethany.”
He looked up from patting his pockets. “No, it wasn’t Bethany. Why?”
It didn’t make any sense, but I felt the familiar jealousy and unease every time I saw her. “Have you slept with her?”
Mark’s jaw dropped. “I beg your pardon! How is that any of your business?”
I stood abruptly to leave. “This was a mistake. I can’t pretend to be engaged to you.”
I tried to race out of his office, but Mark caught me before I opened the door.
“I don’t see how this has anything to do with us, but I have never slept with Bethany nor have I ever contemplated it.”
His eyes bore into the top of my head, but I refused to look up.
“She wants you to,” I mumbled under my breath.
“You’re jealous.” He said the words slowly, as if he couldn’t believe it to be true.
My eyes flashed to his. “No, I’m not.”
A smug grin painted his face, and it only caused to infuriate me further.
“Get off me, you bastard!” I tried to shove his massive body away from me.
He pressed me up against the door, his lips tickling my neck before he kissed me softly on the side of my head.