Page 40 of Sutton's CEO

Mark: Sutton, are you with Candice? Bethany doesn’t know where you are. Is everything okay?

Mark:Are you mad?

Mark:Sutton, answer the damn texts!


“Did you not think that I would worry about you?” I demanded.

She looked up at me. “You don’t tell me everywhere you go.”

I ground my teeth. “I am from the city, Sutton. You could take a subway and end up in one of the burrows!”

Her jaw tightened. “I am not helpless. Listen, Mark, I am sorry that you were so worried. I really am. But the whole ‘throw the girl over your shoulder’ routine? That’s more fitting for Otterville Falls than it is for Wall Street.”

It was my turn to be embarrassed. She had a point. I am lucky that a policeman didn’t see me hauling her out of there kicking and screaming. The last thing I needed was a trip to the county jail.

“I apologize for being a caveman,” I said gruffly.

Sutton’s mouth curved into a slight smile. It was mesmerizing, and I almost missed what she said next.

“I don’t have to tell you where I am at all times if you don’t have to tell me.”

It was cute that she thought she could lay down the rules. But that wasn’t happening. With a swift yank, I had her sprawled over my lap.

Her round luscious ass was shapely and delicious in pink. The pencil skirt made it hard for her to get enough leverage to get away.

“What are you doing?” she raged at me.

I pulled her closer and let my hand smack down against her firm bottom. She squealed and tried to wriggle away.

“Are you spanking me?”

I laughed. “I should think that would be obvious.”

Another crack and then another. I wished that I could see my handprint on her ass. The thought was arousing, so I needed to put it away. The last thing I should do would be hit on the girl. I was supposed to be taking care of her—a pseudo guardian, if you will, since her father’s passing.

She was taking chances with her safety and needed to know that I am in charge. Another smack and then another. She never cried, but I could tell she was uncomfortable with the way she was trying to move with my arms tightly around her.

When I had given her the final smack of twenty spanks, I lifted Sutton back up and set her beside me. The first thing I noticed were her nipples. They were rock hard against that thin champagne shirt and I could slightly make out the color of her dark nipples.

Then there was her breathing, low and raspy. She licked her bottom lip, and I felt my cock twitch. Her eyes were dilated and looked almost black, and her hands were shaking. I have never seen an example of a woman who was this aroused before. She was radiating sexual energy.

Sutton’s hands were clenching into tight little fists and she stared straight ahead, not looking at me.

“I am sorry I had to discipline you,” I said gruffly.

She ignored me.

“I need to know that you are safe, Sutton.”

Again, radio silence.

“Look, do you need me to…”

Whatever else I had been about to say was lost when we pulled up to a stop sign and Sutton bolted out of the door. It took me a second to process what was happening. I raced out of the car behind her and saw that as she ran in those ridiculous pumps, she kept looking back to see where I was.

The moment that she realized I was in pursuit, she smiled. It was infectious and playful, and not at all what I had expected. I picked up my speed. She was no match for me in those shoes.