This surprised me. Mark didn’t seem like the type of man that apologized to anyone. My gaze traveled up to see him running his hands through his hair.
“I am not used to living with someone,” he rambled on. “I was worried when you and Nico were gone for so long. It’s not that I want you to leave. It’s just complicated.”
I finally met his gaze, “What do you mean? You just said that I needed to get a place of my own.”
“Is that what you want?” Mark asked harshly as his eyes searched my face for Lord knows what.
I didn’t want to be alone. I had spent far too much of my life being lonely. The last thing that I wanted was to be dropped off in an empty apartment in this massive city to sit by myself.
“Is that what you want?” Mark repeated. “Do you want to find an apartment?”
Be brave, Sutton,I tried to tell myself. I could stand up for anyone I felt needed it except for me. There would always be Earl’s and Martha’s, and I would always want to save them.
But who would be there to save me?
“N—no,” my reply was soft, but he heard it. For a second, I thought that he was about to reach out and caress my face. Surely I was mistaken, because this man didn’t have a tender bone in his body. But then I remembered the way he had held me on the plane.
Maybe Mark wasn’t as much of a prick as I thought he was. The thought popped into my mind.Maybe this is all he knows, just like all you know how to be is you.
That thought kept me up most of the night, and by morning I had resolved that if Mark would change me for the better then I was sure as shit going to change him as well.
Chapter Twelve
The next morning, I turned to Mark as we were leaving the building and said, “I need just one second.”
I could feel the heat of his gaze on my back as I made my way over to Frank. Slipping my hand into one of the pockets of my new coat I pulled out the horehound candy. Nico and I had stumbled upon a little candy shop, and after a great deal of begging, he finally let me go inside.
Nico said that sugar was the Devil’s treat and that I needed to stay away from all carbs. I thought he was kidding until he started making signs of the cross as I proceeded to purchase almost one of everything in the shop. I loved candy, especially chocolate. Being able to walk into a candy store and buy whatever I wanted proved too much of a temptation.
Frank smiled, his eyes twinkling as he took the small bag from my hands, “What do we have here?”
“I found some of the horehound that you like, Frank. And for the record, I did try it and I hate to say that I have tasted medicine that I would rather eat.”
Frank’s deep laugh filled the lobby. “My grandfather used to bring us horehound. Back in those days, candy wasn’t easy to come by and we would wait weeks for his visit for a taste of the hard treat.”
I shook my head with a smile, saying, “I hope this lives up to the memory.” I looked over to see Mark watching us with a strange look on his face. “I had better get a move on, Frank. It’s my first day at the office and I am a little nervous.”
Frank eyed my new tailored suit and coat. My unruly hair was in as sleek French twist and my feet were encased in a pair of shoes that likely cost more than my trailer back home. That made me think of Earl, and my heart squeezed painfully. I hoped that the elderly gentleman was doing okay without me.
“You look like a million dollars, Miss. I have no doubt that you will knock ’em dead.”
A huge smile broke across my face as I replied, “That was just what I needed to hear. Have a nice day, Frank!”
I waved cheerily and walked over to where Mark was waiting for me at the door. He gave Frank his signature nod and escorted me out onto the sidewalk where the driver was waiting to take us into the office.
Mark’s large hand covered mine. “If you project confidence, that is what others will see.”
I hadn’t realized that I was rubbing my hands together. It was a nervous habit that was a sure tell sign.
“Sorry,” I muttered.
He put a finger underneath my chin and lifted it so that our eyes met. “Sutton, you are Hollingsworth Sutton III’s daughter. You have billions of dollars at your fingertips and wield a great deal of power. You have the upper hand. Keep your chin up and your shoulders back; don’t let the sharks sense your fear. First impressions are critical, but I have confidence in you.”
Have I mentioned that any time I have ever really wanted something it all goes to shit?