I wasn’t about to argue with the woman, so I called security and they watched her as she packed her personal items and escorted Bethany out of the building.
I wanted to go and speak with Sutton then, but as I approached her door, I saw that she had Candice in with her. I paused briefly before knocking and heard another woman speaking. Sutton was in a meeting of some kind, and so I walked back to my desk and dialed human resources. We would need someone to fill Bethany’s position as soon as possible.
Once I had set them on the task, I had gotten lost in some paperwork and was surprised when I heard the faint knocking on my door.
Sutton entered before I could answer, and I couldn’t help the little twinge of respect for the woman. She wasn’t cowering anymore like she had when we first came to the city.
Even after what had happened in my office and with Gabriel this morning she stood proudly before me with a slight tilt to her chin.
“Where’s Bethany the Bitch?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest.
I tried not to watch how her thin shirt stretched across her glorious breasts. Her hair had been tamed a little, but I could still tell that it was slightly mussed from my hands. My cock throbbed, and I wondered if there would ever be a time when she didn’t distract me.
“I wouldn’t know. My guess is either busy making a voodoo doll of the both of us, and perhaps planning some way to poison me in my sleep.”
Sutton sank down in the chair opposite my desk. “What?”
“I fired her,” I said firmly. “She compromised your safety.”
Sutton blinked at me in astonishment.
I almost cracked a smile, “I am sorry about what happened earlier.”
A delicate flush painted her cheeks and I wanted to yank her to me. Bend her over my desk and thrust inside of her until everything on her perfect body was pink and crying out to me.
“I need some time off,” she blurted out.
It was my turn to be lost in confusion. She started talking, her manicured hands waving in the air as she listed all the reasons why she needed to go back to Otterville Falls. My first instinct was to throw her over my shoulder and lock her in our apartment for the rest of our lives.
But as she spelled out her concerns, I felt something inside of me twist a little tighter.
“I am determined to go, and I am not asking permission.”
Fuck me. This girl had me tied up in knots.
Sutton continued, “Candice said she would come with me and arrange our travel.”
I blew out a breath. “I will, of course, have the jet prepared for tomorrow.”
I met her wide eyes. “The jet?”
“If you are going to drag us back to Otterville Falls we will be traveling on the jet, not coach.”
I shuddered at the thought of flying with the public.
“You aren’t coming?”
I think it was supposed to be a statement, but it came out like a question.
I smirked at her and leaned forward just a fraction. The tension in the office swelled as I watched her eyes dilate. She unconsciously licked her bottom lip and my dick pulsed in response.
“You had better let Candice know when our flight will be leaving. Also, I called HR about a replacement for Bethany. They are to check with you before anyone permanent is given the position.”
Her mouth dropped open and I wanted more than anything to shove my cock between those perfect lips. Something in my face must have given my thoughts away because Sutton blushed wildly and immediately stood.
I followed suit, not giving a fuck that I was hard as a rock. I knew it was obvious and felt a swelling of masculine pride as her eyes fucked me over, taking in every inch of my body and lingering on the massive tent in my pants.
My tone was low as I added, “Is there anything else that I can do for you, Sutton?”