I felt my cheeks heating but tried to ignore it. We just returned from the boardroom, and after a morning of craziness, we hadn’t had a chance to talk about our weekends yet. I looked up at the clock and noticed it was almost 1 p.m.
“Nothing to tell, but you looked gorgeous in that pink chiffon evening gown!”
Candice grinned. “Thank you, and you are not getting out of it that easily, Sutton Landry. Let’s get out of here and grab some lunch.”
My stomach growled on cue and she laughed.
“Alright,” I conceded. “Just let me tell Mark where we are going.”
Her eyes widened. “You tell him everywhere you go?”
Suddenly I felt unsure. “Well, yes. I don’t want him to worry if he needs something. Besides, if we need the driver, we can let him know.”
Candice’s lips lilted up in a knowing smile. “I am sure your dad will be okay if we are back before midnight, Cinderella.”
I scowled at her teasing, “It’s not like that! I don’t have to tell him anything if I don’t want to.”
Her face sobered a little. “I am just playing around, Sutton. If you want to let him know, I think it’s sweet.”
But I didn’t want to be sweet. I wanted to be a hardened badass corporate figure like he was. And then it dawned on me that Mark didn’t check in with me when he left the office. Sure, he always made sure I had a driver available and he usually knew where I was because I always told him.
Embarrassment crept up the back of my neck, making me feel like a fool for acting like a child, or worse, the hillbilly that I didn’t want to be.
I stood up and grabbed my bag. “I am ready to go!”
Candice looked worried. “Sutton, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
I smiled, and to my surprise it was genuine. “I am not upset with you, Candice. More with myself.”
Candice knew a little of my backstory, but not everything. I hadn’t ever had a best friend before, and Candice was technically my employee. I knew that I was blurring boundaries and taking in strays as Mark would call it. But Candice and Nico were two of my first friends that hadn’t demanded anything of me.
It was different than when I took care of Earl or took Martha’s bullshit day in and day out.
She stood as well and grabbed her things. “If you insist.”
We didn’t end up taking a car but walked a few blocks up to a café in the bottom of the Brand Enterprises building.
“The couple that owns Brand is so nice,” I said in casual conversation to Candice as we stood in line. “His wife, Mandy, has made great strides for the working parents, and I wanted to see if that could be something we can incorporate in Sutton Enterprises. I am expecting her call so that I can pick her brain.”
Candice nodded. “SE isn’t really known for anything like that. I think it would be great for the employees and also fabulous PR for the company.”
A blonde woman who looked familiar turned around. I couldn’t place her, but one thing that I couldn’t help but notice was that she was about six months pregnant.
“Hi,” she said, “I couldn’t help overhearing. I hope you don’t think I am rude for interrupting.”
I shook my head. “Not at all. Do you work in this building?”
Her dark blue eyes sparkled, “No, but my sister is the woman you were speaking about. Mandy Brand?”
“Oh!” I exclaimed. “You must be Kim, her sister!”
Kim smiled wide. “She told you about me?”
I laughed. “We were talking about babies and teething, and she mentioned that you were having a little boy. Congratulations!”
A handsome man with dark wavy blonde hair approached us and wrapped his arm around Kim. He kissed her briefly on the lips. “Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart.”
Kim’s face was flushed, and she looked so happy that I couldn’t help but feel the slightest twinge of jealousy. “This is my husband, Nate.” She gestured to the man beside her. “And this is…Oh my goodness, I never got your names! Darn these pregnancy hormones!”