Page 32 of Sutton's CEO

“Just start reading them. It won’t make sense at first, but you will start to see patterns and begin to understand the more you immerse yourself in it. Start with the oldest and work toward the newest messages.”

We worked in silence for the first hour and a half. Then Bethany paged me that my first appointment had arrived.

Sutton and I both stood to greet Elliot Brand of Brand Enterprises.

“Mark! It’s a pleasure to see you again.” The tall, dark-haired man gripped my hand in a firm grasp. “And you must be Sutton.”

He smiled at her and for the briefest of instances. I wanted to shield Sutton from the man’s gaze, but I knew that he was happily married and that there was nothing inappropriate in his eyes.

Sutton smiled shyly and extended her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Brand.”

He smiled in return. “Please call me Elliot. I have the greatest respect for your father. I am sorry to hear that he passed.”

Sutton’s smile dimmed. “I was never able to meet my father. But thank you all the same.”

Elliot nodded.

I motioned for them both to sit down and then explained to Sutton why he was there.

“Elliot and I have discussed building more luxury condominiums much like my apartment. He owns a fairly large section of the downtown area that is in need of revitalizing. Our piece would be the ground level merchants. We own several companies that could move in and be profitable.”

Sutton beamed at Elliot, “That is a wonderful idea! I love Mark’s home.”

He smiled kindly at her. “Thank you. I too feel that it would be lucrative for our companies and crucial to the community.”

“I will have the lawyers draw it up.” I stood, and they followed suit. “Do you want me to send the final copy over to Nate for your signature?”

Elliot nodded. “That would be wonderful.” He turned back to Sutton. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Sutton. I hope that you enjoy living in the city.”

Her cheekbones were pink with excitement. She had never looked lovelier.

“Likewise, Elliot. I am excited to be a part of this project.”

He left a few moments later, and I shook my head in wonderment.

“What?” Sutton cocked her head to the side in an adorable fashion.

“I was only meeting Elliot Brand today, not getting the final details nailed down.”

Her face paled. “Did I fuck things up?”

I shook my head. “No at all. If anything, you have more of your father in you than you realize. He was always able to close a deal and make it seem effortless. I just witnessed you doing the same thing.”

Sutton’s eyes sparkled. “I was just being myself.”

I grunted, “Apparently that is all you need to do.”

Chapter Fourteen


When I walked into the crowded restaurant, I knew not to look for Nico near the food. The man hardly ever ate, and when he did, it was a celery stick.

I am still a little angry with God over celery. Why does it have those stringy things that are so disgusting? I felt like throwing up in my mouth just thinking about it. Over to the left of the bar, I saw Nico on a bench that was just wide enough that it could fit two asses. He was engrossed with something on his phone, and suddenly I wanted to know what that might be.

As I approached, I heard the familiar voices of a trashy reality TV family. “Nico, are you watching the Kardashians?”

Nico whipped his pretty blonde head around guiltily. “No. I would never.”