Page 29 of Sutton's CEO

I didn’t even make it all the way into the building before I tripped in the doorway. I would have hit the floor if it hadn’t had been for Mark’s quick actions. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he steadied me until I was ready to walk again.

Only this time I ran into a woman rushing by with a full tray of hot coffee. Thankfully, we were both wearing our coats and most of the liquid from the four grande lattes landed on the floor.

I apologized profusely as the tall blonde eyed me with trepidation. I had a feeling she wouldn’t have been as gracious if Mark hadn’t been with me. Her eyes were cold and narrowed.

“No harm was done.” Her sugary sweet voice seemed as fake as her hair color.

“Please excuse us, Marilyn,” Mark said shortly, grabbing my elbow and yanking me closer to his side.

I stumbled after him, still offering my apologies until they were cut off by the closing of the elevator door.

I glanced up at Mark and noted the way his jaw seemed to be clenched. There was a vein that was ticking near his temple at a frantic pace. The moment the elevator reached the top floor, Mark grabbed my arm again and escorted me down the hallway.

“Ouch, you are hurting me,” I muttered.

Okay, so he wasn’t really, but I was getting irritated at his high-handed attitude.

His grip tightened. “I am just seeing to your safety.”

He stopped in front of a beautiful woman with golden brown hair and black, smart glasses, “Bethany, this is Ms. Landry. Sutton, this is your personal assistant Bethany. She will go over your schedule with you every morning and help you to become familiar with our business and clients.”

I beamed at Bethany. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Bethany eyed me warily, giving me a lukewarm welcome. “Thank you.”

Mark leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You do remember when we talked about first impressions?”

I was feeling overheated by his nearness. I wanted to lean into him and snuggle up against his rock-hard chest. I took the opportunity to smell the sexy familiar scent of cologne mixed with raw masculinity.


“Yes sir,” I blurted out quickly, not even sure what I was agreeing with.

“Good.” He pulled back and released his death grip on my arm. “I will see you at lunchtime.”

Without another word, Mark walked away from where I was standing at Bethany’s desk. I tried not to think about how abandoned I was feeling watching his retreat from me.

“Ms. Landry?”


I wasn’t paying attention; my eyes were glued to Mark’s ass and I wondered how he could make a pair of slacks look so delicious.

“Ms. Landry!”

The voice was more insistent this time, and I turned to see Bethany looking at me with an inscrutable expression.

“I beg your pardon.” I flushed, asking, “Where is my office?”

Bethany didn’t seem overly impressed with me. But that was nothing that I hadn’t faced a million times before. I watched as she got up and walked around the desk. She was sickly thin, and for a brief moment, I wanted to ask her if she was against carbs as well. But something told me that she didn’t want to be my friend.

“Your office is just this way, Ms. Landry.”

I felt her eyes on the spilled coffee covering my coat, but I didn’t offer any explanation. She led me to an office just down from Mark’s. It was spacious and decorated in soft muted tones. The desk was a pale maple and there was a wall of windows overlooking the city.

“This is a lovely space.” I breathed the words as I walked in and took a seat in the chair behind the desk. “Who was here before I was?”

Bethany’s nose wrinkled. “This was Mr. William’s office until he took over your father’s corner office.”