Page 7 of Lucy



I let Viv and Joaniestumble about, trying to remember the spell that they had used to end up in the cave. Was that a little mean? Of course it was, but I didn’t care. They were making me leave and that was more than a little mean.

Veti, however, wasn’t amused.

“Lucy, stop being a bitch and do the damn spell.”

Viv and Joanie turned to me wide-eyed.

“You have had the ability to leave all this time?” Joanie’s tone was incredulous.

I shrugged. “Relocation spells aren’t difficult.”

It would seem that I had stunned them yet again.

“Did you think I was a prisoner here?” It dawned on me that it might look that way.

“Why else would you stay?” Viv’s lips were tight. “This doesn’t make any sense. Don’t you want to find out who you are and where your real family is?”

“Veti is my family, and the master.”

They stared at me as if I had just walked out of a cult. EvenVetilooked pained and I wondered, not for the first time since our visitors had arrived, if I had been missing something and not even knowing it.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said, trying to change the heavy atmosphere. “Just tell me where you want us to go.”


THREE OF THE HOTTESTbrothers I had ever seen came rushing toward Joanie. Followed by two guys, that easily could have been underwear models, who swept Viv up in their arms. Each of the men kissed the girls as if their lives depended on it.

I muttered to Veti, “I am starting to see the appeal of this outside world. Do we all get a set of those?”

Vetiblushed and told me to hush.

It was then that Viv pulled back and introduced me to a dark-haired man named Brendan and the man with streaky blonde hair named Ace.

“These are my mates,” Viv explained to me.

It seemed that I was just as fascinated with them as they were with me.

“She looks just like you,” Ace’s deep rumbly voice had my stomach in knots. Very nicely done, Viv. I could see why Viv was so anxious to get back to her mates.

Joanie introduced me to Abel, Alden, and Adrian. The men had dark blonde hair and easy smiles. Her mates were obviously infatuated with her. Each one of them had a hand on her as if she might disappear if they didn’t hold on tight.

We had appeared in the gardens of the Royal Court. I felt terribly exposed in the open air and didn’t like the feeling. It didn’t help that a massive castle stood upon the highest hill, looming over us like a great hawk stalking its prey. Or maybe that hunted feeling came from the hordes of vampires flocking out of the palace and into the gardens—directly toward us.

These highly influential vampires didn’t look pleased to see me either. There were whispers of witchcraft, and the mood of the crowd went from inquisitive to intense in about three seconds.

I needed to a moment to breathe.

With a few soft words, I cast a spell over the group, bringing everyone to a screeching halt. The simple freezing spell would only affect this area, and nobody else would be the wiser. After all, time would just alter itself to fit back into the constraints that mother nature deemed necessary—easy peasy.

I looked at all of the strangers around me, frozen like statues. EvenVetisat frozen at my side. I could see her staring off and when I followed her gaze, I noticed a man staring back at her with a shocked expression. In his eyes, there was a flicker of recognition.

I felt another surge of guilt.Vetihad a life before she came to care for me that she had freely given up. I suppose that I had always felt she was mine and no one else laid claim to her. If anyone deserved to find happiness it was her.

“Who are you?” A high-pitched voice demanded.