“What do you make of that?” I asked in a low voice, not wanting to upset Eva or Angie again.
“The royal family did have seven or eight children, many of them were girls. It is possible that you have another sister out there named Lola. I honestly don’t know for sure. I don’t know who the voice was or why your dead mother would choose to come through Angie to speak with you.”
I shrugged, before saying, “I have never spoken with the dead. I can call a spirit back to a body and apparently send it away, but I haven’t spoken to spirits that have passed on. Do you think that is Angie’s gift? Perhaps she speaks with the dead, but because she is so young, it hasn’t developed fully yet.”
Henry nodded slow. “It is a possibility. I wish that we knew more. We need to speak with Queen Vivian and the council.”
I tensed. “I don’t mind speaking to Viv, Joanie, their mates, or Marcus. But I have reservations about speaking with the entire council. There have to be more factions of vampires working inside the castle, and for all we know it is the highest of the group that is leaking information to the alliance.”
I didn’t have the chance to say more because at one moment Henry and I were secluded, away from the others talking, and in the next, Joanie and her triple A’s had popped into the room.
Alden looked like he was going to puke. Aiden grinned at me, and Adrian was holding Joanie’s hand.
“What are you doing here?” Henry and I asked at the same time.
“Dream,” Alden said distinctly as if that one would should solve all of the questions of the world.
“What?” Henry demanded.
Joanie smiled and moved to give me a hug. “I had a dream about Angie. We saw all of you here, as well as Angie being sick, and then speaking with that deep voice. As soon as I had awakened, I raced into Viv and begged to be able to come to you. She helped to send us but couldn’t come herself.”
I was completely shocked. “How long have you had these dreams?”
Joanie’s eyes twinkled. “You aren’t the only one who has magic in them. We all have our gifts, mine is to spirit walk in dreams.”
“I think Angie’s is to speak with the dead, and mine is to raise them.”
Joanie nodded and said, “I think you are right. Now the only question is if we have another evil sister out there, what are we going to do about her?”
I hadn’t the slightest idea.
“We are going to find her,” Henry said with determination. “Are you here to stay or do you have to return?”
Alden took a seat and whipped it around before plopping down into it. “We are in it for the long haul. Army of zombies? Hell yeah, bring it on.”