Page 39 of Lucy



This wasn’t my firstvisit to the states, but I had never attempted camping before. Thankfully through the gift of magic we had all of the provisions necessary, like indoor plumbing and food. Unfortunately, the task of entertaining two seven-year-olds was far above my pay grade.

We were in the Rockies on some private property in a little A-frame cabin. We had a pot belly stove, couches from circa 1970, and some knitted quilts of the most garish colors I had ever seen. I attempted to make some updates but stopped when I saw how enthralled Lucy was with everything.

It was like a child at Christmas. We opened one of the closets to find some outdoor games. Lucy insisted that I put up the badminton set and that is what they were currently playing. Not a one of them had a lick of talent, but they were adorable to watch.

I felt that odd clenching in my stomach as I watched Lucy’s flushed face and bright eyes. Her platinum long hair was wound into a messy bun and she looked hopelessly, breathtakingly beautiful. Every time her eyes met mine, she would beam at me.

Try convincing your dick to behave itself when the most amazing creature alive is in your presence. It was a damned difficult thing to do.

I recalled her face back at the royal court when the news came out that Sven really was dead. I wanted to punch every last person in the face that gave her a leery eye, and that included my brother. Lucy was good through and through, it was more than obvious to me how scared she was. The brave front she tried to put on didn’t hide the fact that she hadn’t a clue what was going on.

If anything, I am glad that we came to the forest just so that she could laugh again. Veti and David had taken up a bit of a parental role. Even now, she was fixing some dinner while David made sure that the three bedrooms were livable.

I wasn’t sure how the night would go. Lucy informed Veti that she would be staying with me. The little girls had their own room, which did contain two sets of bunk beds. If Veti wanted to sleep there she could. However, I was pretty certain, by the light in David’s eyes, that he wanted Veti with him.

Underneath him if possible, and I totally understood the feeling.

I wasn’t sure how I could keep my hands off of her. There were times when I caught her staring at me with such a heated gaze that I wanted to throw Lucy over my shoulder and head the for the nearest cave. I knew it was barbaric and I didn’t give a shit.

This whole sharing routine with Marcus was difficult. I didn’t know where the boundaries were, and it didn’t help that he had said when I left to just let things develop naturally. What did that even mean? I can’t believe that he wouldn’t be hurt if I took her virginity.

Shit, just the thought of sinking into her had me hard as a rock. I turned abruptly, and calling over my shoulder said, “I am taking a walk. I’ll be back in a little while.”

“Wait,” Lucy called back breathlessly.

I wanted to ignore her so that I didn’t embarrass the hell out of both of us. But I couldn’t. There was something inside of me that yearned for her. I looked back to see her sending the girls into the cabin. She then raced after me and caught my hand.

Electricity shot from the contact of her skin on mine clear up my arm. I held her hand in a firm grasp, not wanting to let go.

“I am glad that you suggested a walk,” she was saying as I slowed my stride to make it more comfortable for her. “I was getting winded.”

I gave her a side glance, feeling my lips twist into a smirk. “You can’t tell me that those two little girls were wearing you out?”

She grinned; it wrinkled her nose adorably. “I don’t know how Veti managed me all of those years. I suppose that I just took it for granted. I owe her much more than I had ever realized.”

I pulled her lithe body closer and slipped an arm around her waist. She felt good beside me. We were still able to stroll along, but we were as one, inseparable. That is how I wanted it to always be. And yet, it did seem like something was missing.

I had spoken with Alden about mating when there were more than two people involved. I needed some perspective on how it all worked. Primarily on how to avoid jealousy, because I had to admit, the closeness Lucy shared with Marcus was difficult for me.

We were compatible in the bedroom, that went without saying. But I didn’t have the years of Lucy’s idol worship to fall back on. I wanted to know her. And that involved every aspect of who she was as a woman, a friend, and as an individual.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked stopping to look up at my face.

I shook my head. “It’s nothing, why?”

“You have a frown on your face and your brows are knit together.”

To prove her point she reached up and smoothed the skin between my eyebrows. I smiled at her and fought the urge to take her into my arms.

“I was thinking about you, if you must know,” I teased her with a wink and lightly pinched her side.

“Goodness, I hope that I wasn’t the one who gave you the scowl.” Her eyes danced when she was happy. I loved the golden yellow flecks in her warm brown gaze.

I debated telling her the whole of it, but in the end, I figured that open honesty would be the only way that this could work. “I was thinking about the three of us, you, Marcus and myself. And of a conversation that I had with Alden.”