Page 21 of Lucy



Thankfully by the timewe got there Evangelina had everything under control. And by that, I mean that she literally froze everyone, much like I had when we first arrived at court.

“We can’t keep doing this,” Henry growled. I wasn’t sure who he was addressing, Evangelina or me, but he was right. They were going to notice that things weren’t measuring up timewise. However, it was a brilliant solution to a sticky situation, and I didn’t mind telling Evangelina that.

“You have to be the coolest kid I have ever met.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Thanks, you aren’t so bad yourself, Lucy.”

Henry went over and touched Viv and Joanie, releasing them from the spell.

“What on earth?” Joanie flinched looking around and then realized that everyone was frozen mid rant. “I can see the spittle frozen next to this guy’s mouth.”

“Eww!” Evangelina laughed, and I couldn’t help the snicker that escaped my lips.

“We don’t have a long time,” Henry reminded us. “Let’s get you all out of here.”

“Or we could do a memory spell and erase their memories,” I suggested.

Everyone around me starred like I had just announced my undies were on fire or something.

“What?” I wrapped my arms around my waist self-consciously. “Stop staring at me.”

“The level of skill that it would take,” Henry trailed off shaking his head. “I just don’t think it would be possible.”

“I think you should try it,” Joanie encouraged.

“Maybe it would be too much on my own,” I agreed. “But I didn’t intend to do it on my own.”

Joanie squealed with excitement and Viv grinned at me.

“That is an excellent idea, Lucy!” She winked at me before turning a raised brow to Henry. He obviously wasn’t going to go against the queen of vampires, even though I knew he wanted to argue.

In the end it was much easier to accomplish than even I had imagined. We joined hands and I felt the magic thrumming between us. The pulse hammering in my veins and made me feel alive. We cast a forgetting spell on everyone that was non-magical. As the words were being said I felt some measure of guilt.

I knew that Viv and Joanie’s mates wouldn’t remember everything, and neither would Marcus. He still hadn’t returned, and I was beginning to worry. This was more than compulsion; this was literally ripping things from their memories.

The last thing we needed was a revolt within the vampires when the Alliance was already breathing down our necks.

We broke hands and suddenly the room erupted into sound as the people looked around in confusion.


I turned to see Marcus rushing toward me. I couldn’t help the butterflies that danced around in my stomach at the sight of him. I loved the way his brows arched, and the rough edge of his jaw made my fingers itch to touch the stumble there. He was impossibly handsome, and I was sure I would never get tired of seeing him.

“Lucy, I was in the garden and it reminded me that I promised to take you out on a walk.”

I flushed with excitement. “Is now okay?”

He laughed, reaching out his hand to me. “Now is perfect.”

I saw the sly wink from Viv and Joanie’s big smile. And I tried to ignore the way that Henry scowled. I didn’t want to disappoint Henry. I would have liked them both to take me. But I wasn’t sure how either brother would respond to such an invitation.

Marcus wrapped his large hand around mine and led me down the hallway. We went down a set of stairs and in moments were walking across the lawn and toward the gardens.

Everywhere I went people stared at me. Viv and Joanie already explained it was because of my scent. It was horribly embarrassing to know that everyone knew I had never had sex before. What was worse, was the way that many of them looked at me like they wanted to jump me right there and then.