“No, that wasn’t at all what I meant!” I protested just as the sexiest smirk I have ever seen slipped onto his chiseled face.
“Lucy, you know I can’t fuck you, right?”
Kill me now. I needed lightning to come into the room and strike me dead. I have never been so mortified in my life.
“I didn’t ask you to.” I grumbled, averting my eyes from his gaze.
At this comment he laughed.
I wasn’t sure that there had ever been a time when I felt more stupid than at this moment.
“You did.”
His shit eating grin had me thrashing against the restraints.
“Yeah, you wish!”
My face was hotter than the sun, and I turned away so he couldn’t see just how embarrassed I was.
Henry’s voice was surprisingly gentle when I felt the first wrist being untied. The prickly sensation of the blood returning to my limbs kept me from talking.
“For the record,” his voice was low. “It’s not because I don’t want to. Because I can think of little else since you arrived. But I can’t, I just can’t.”
It took me a minute to register what he was talking about.
Did that mean he wanted to fuck me? I felt the fire in my belly blazing into an inferno.
The next time Henry spoke it wasn’t in the soft secret tones of lovers, but in that bracing manner of his that brooks no argument.
“We will keep your feet tied for a moment while you sit up and get acclimated. Marcus will soon be here to keep you company.”
I felt a true stabbing feeling and felt as though I had somehow cheated on him, which was beyond ridiculous.
Marcus was the one I loved. I have always loved him—haven’t I?
The question was staggering.
I was angry at myself for even considering something different. We were meant to be together, for now and always. That was how life made sense.
There was a slight knock and then the door swung open.
“Good morning, Sweetheart.”
The fresh musky scent of him washed over me. I knew that smell almost as well as I knew my own. Marcus was here, and he would make all of the awkwardness go away.
“Hi Marcus,” I said shyly, ignoring the brutish way that Henry snorted behind me.
“Everything okay here?” he asked, looking over to Henry with a frown.
Henry turned his back and started fidgeting with things on his desk. I wished for the millionth time that I could have gone through this somewhere else. I hated being an imposition to Henry. He already didn’t like me. I didn’t need to supply the ammunition.
“Everything is great. I have my wrists unlocked. Do you want to play a game?”
Marcus’ face lit, and I loved his expression so much that I wanted to take a picture and keep it with me always.