I wanted to whip my head around just to see him. It was my master’s voice and he sounded frantic. Everything inside of me ached to go to him. I wanted to curl up in his lap and cry. My body was a vast conflict of emotion, and I didn’t understand what was going on.
Evangelina’s spell started to fade and I slumped against the floor just as the Master gathered me into his arms.
“Wait!” Henry roared.
But it was too late, I had already sunk my teeth into the master’s neck. I remember the taste of him touching my tongue and my eyes rolling into the back of my head from the sheer pleasure of it before everything went dark.
WHEN I OPENED MY EYES, I was tied down. My arms and legs were immobilized to each corner of the bed. I tried to wrench out of the hold, and then tried to teleport myself somewhere else, but my magic seemed dull, almost as if it were sleeping.
“Here.” Henry thrust another bag of blood toward my mouth, and I immediately began to feed again. The same intense feelings of desire washed over me. I hated not having control of my body.
Once the bag was empty, I turned my head away. I could smell my master and I wanted to find him. He sat in the chair next to the bed, his eyes intent on mine but when he spoke, it was to Henry.
“I don’t understand. Lucy already went through the change, and Veti said it was very mild.”
Henry scoffed, “You raised her on animal blood, Marcus. It’s like the human’s going off of decaffeinated and then, jumping into straight shots of espresso. She is struggling to adapt. Where in the hell is Veti?”
Almost as if she knew she were being summoned, Veti stepped into the room.
“Oh, Lucy.” Her big eyes were filled with compassion as she moved toward me. Her calming hand went to my ankle, and I hate to admit that my eyes filled with tears.
“Why isn’t my magic working?” I choked out.
“Henry cast a spell that would keep you safe.”
I turned to the Master in confusion. “Henry is a witch?”
Henry growled angrily. “Don’t go spreading that information around.”
I wanted to laugh hysterically, or cry until my eyes fell out. I would be the last person that would run around telling people things. I didn’t even feel comfortable in front of the others.
“Viv and Joanie are worried about you,” Veti said, changing the subject. “They asked if maybe they could come and see you.”
I didn’t want anyone to see me like this. I had never felt so helpless in my life.
“No,” I said through cracked lips. “Not until I am better.”
Veti sighed. “I understand Lucy, we have all been there. Hopefully this won’t last for long.”
I felt his hand brush against my skin and brought my watery eyes to see my master’s face.
“It will be alright,” he whispered. “I promise.”
I had never doubted him before, but this time, I wasn’t sure that even my master could make things better.