Angelica’s body beganto seize. Her small limbs moving in an involuntary pattern that terrified me. I had heard about seizures and Epilepsy but seeing it was nothing like reading about it.
“Does she have a history of seizures?” Henry asked Eva.
The other little girl shook her head violently. “This has never happened before.”
Henry shared a very concerned look with Veti and David. I felt helpless, and I didn’t like the feeling. Kneeling beside Angie I touched her arm softly and she stilled. I hadn’t used any magic or called to her spirit, but the others looked at me as if I had raised someone from the dead.
In all fairness, since I did that rather often; I was familiar with the look.
“What did you do?” Veti asked gently.
I shook my head in confusion, taking my hand away in the process. The second my skin left hers she began to convulse again. Quickly I reached out and touched her again. This time her eyes snapped open and she began to speak.
But it wasn’t the voice of a child that was coming out of her small body.
“Lucy, you must listen to me.”
All eyes snapped between Angie and me.
“The Alliance, they have another that is like you. They are raising an army against the vampires, an army of the dead. You must stop them.”
“How?” I asked imploringly. How was I supposed to stop an entire army?
“You must destroy your sister, Lola,” Angie continued in that other worldly voice.
“My sister?” I jerked back, nearly dropping Angie’s arm.
“Who are you?” Henry demanded.
Angie’s head moved slowly to look at Henry. It was strange to see her acting this way. As scary as it was when she was having a seizure, this might have been almost worse.
“I am their mother.”
Henry gaped, and I released Angie’s arm.
Thankfully, Angie didn’t fall back in to the trance. She blinked to clear her eyes and then asked, “What are you all doing here?”
Eva started to cry and Veti took her into her arms. David hovered near them protectively.
“What do you remember last?” Henry asked Angie.
Angie looked from Eva, who was still crying, back to me and Henry. Her eyes were full of questions when she answered. “I remember playing with Eva.”
I opened my arms to Angie. “Come here,” I said gruffly. She moved, coming to give me a hug. Then she went over to Eva.
“Your eyes rolled back and then you fell,” Eva said to Angie. “It was scary. And then you began to shake, and we couldn’t make you stop.” Her eyes moved to where I was still sitting on the floor. “Lucy made you stop. But then you started talking and you didn’t sound like you.”
Angie wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know what you are talking about. None of this really happened, did it?”
I wasn’t sure who she was asking, but thankfully Veti answered.
“Everyone gets sick sometimes. Let’s get you girls something to eat.” She ushered the two girls into the kitchen and began to fix them a snack.
I got up and faced Henry.