Page 35 of Lucy



I found myself staringat her, unable to think, unable to breathe. She and Veti were whispering on the couch. It made me wonder what they were talking about. Whatever it was, Lucy had a beautiful flush staining her cheeks.

It reminded me of the night before when she was in my arms.

Henry and I had to come to an agreement earlier. Neither one of us could deny the pull that she has on us. I can’t say that I was thrilled with the arrangement. But there was something right about the three of us last night, something that resonated inside of me.

I love Lucy. I could admit it, maybe not openly—yet. But I have known that she has been the one for me in my heart far longer than my mind would be willing to admit.

There is no way that I will allow the Alliance to come anywhere near her. I have spent the last twenty years protecting her.

After the meeting ended, Veti asked to speak with Lucy alone so Henry and I went out into the hallway. It wasn’t anything spoken aloud, but we both waited for her.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked in a gruff voice.

I looked over at my brother, who was both a little taller and more muscled than I was. Henry is older, has magic, and has always gotten the girl.

Did that rub me the wrong way?

It used to.

Living as long as vampires do, you learn to let petty things go. Veti and Henry are my only family, besides Lucy. I knew that she was developing a connection with him, and honestly, I would rather have a part of Lucy than nothing at all. Not that I would ever make her choose. Far too much of her short life has been taken away from her.

“Yeah.” I answered Henry’s question. “Are you?”

“I told you before that I was. I just don’t want things to change between us.”

I smiled at his gruff tone. Henry always sounded pissed off, even when he wasn’t. It was just his nature. I have never seen the tenderness that he shows Lucy given to anyone else. And that includes other women that he’s had throughout the years.

But Lucy just isn’t some random woman, she is everything. And Henry is smart enough to know that.

“Just because I have seen your hairy ass doesn’t mean we aren’t still brothers.”

Henry scowled at me, and I laughed. A good belly laugh that felt amazing. I wondered when the last time I had been that happy—I couldn’t remember a time.

“We are brothers,” he growled the words. “I have seen your junk almost as much over the years as I have seen my own. Don’t make this weird.”

The corner of his mouth twitched, and I could tell that he was amused. But he’s far too badass to show it.

“Sir, there is a situation that I need you to take a look at.”

We both turned to see one of Henry’s men approach.

“Go,” I say. “I will wait for her and make sure that she’s safe.”

He nodded at me and left with the guard just as I saw another man coming around the corner.

“David,” I greeted him with a handshake. “How have you been?”

David grew up near our family. At one point I thought that he and Veti might make something of the energy that always seems to be around when they are near each other. It wasn’t meant to be. David ended up here at the palace and Veti stayed in the country.

Sure, she came to court occasionally, even stayed for long periods of time. But it seemed that when she visited, David would be off somewhere around the globe working for the Vasile family. When we first saved Lucy and didn’t know how we were going to protect the infant princess, it was he that first suggested Veti to help take care of Lucy in a place hidden away from the world. It was a brilliant idea, and one that I have been very thankful for.

I wondered if my sister knew that David trusted and respected her enough with the king’s daughter. Likely she figured that we chose her because she was my sister. Sure, that had something to do with it. But David was right, Veti was the only person strong enough to raise the princess and protect her.

David shook my hand firmly. “Marcus, it’s a pleasure to see you. I am happy to see that Lucy is doing well.”