Page 22 of Lucy

After passing a particularly leering gentleman, I tugged Marcus’ hand and walked down a path that led toward the mazes.

“I am not really familiar with the maze, Lucy. I would hate to get you lost in there.”

The thought of being lost with Marcus sounded just about perfect at that moment.

“Don’t worry about it.” I gave him a shy smile. “I will protect you from any monsters we might find in there.”

He laughed. “I am supposed to protect you.”

“Because I am a girl?” I pretended indignation.

Marcus looked startled, “No! Because I have been doing that since you were a little girl.”

I stopped, right there in the middle of the pathway. Marcus turned and looked at me questioningly.

“You know that I am not a little girl anymore.”

He blinked and nodded. “Of course.”

I shook my head and took a step closer to him.

Marcus took a step back and cleared his throat. “It’s not like you are still a little girl. I know that, Lucy. I am well aware that you are a woman.”

I took another step closer and loved the way his eye widened. Marcus’ back hit the hedge, he was cornered, and I wasn’t backing down. Another step closer and the sexual tension heightened.

“Um, so did you want to talk about something in particular?” he asked, voice nearly cracking in the process.

He really was so stinking adorable, and I probably should have felt bad for being such a predator. But I didn’t. Marcus was a big boy that could take care of himself. And there was a large part of me that wanted to know just how big of a boy he was.

I bit my lip and moved closer so that there was barely an inch between us. If I leaned the slightest bit forward my breasts would brush his chest.

“Lucy?” his voice wavered but his eyes were glued to my lips.

“Us,” I said huskily.

‘What?” he practically croaked.

I took the final step, sealing my body against his firm one. The bulge in his pants was very apparent and I couldn’t help the sexy smirk that crossed my face.

My hands went up his chest, and I enjoyed the way his breathing hitched. I settled my weight against him, flattening my breasts and rubbing slighting against his hard cock.

“You asked what I wanted to talk about,” I answered. “The answer is us.”

“Us?” he was reduced to repeating me, and I knew that I needed to put the poor man out of his misery.

I went to step back, but before I could do so, his arms clamped around me and his lips crashed into mine.