Page 5 of Vivian


I was sitting on the corner of the bed in Brendon’s t-shirt while the boys sat and yelled at each other. It was obvious that they weren’t going to agree on what to do with me.

At least I had something to cover my naked body. Brendon went out of his way not to look. I have to say that he could have at least peeked a little. It chapped my hide that he acted so affronted at my body. I might not have the best rack around, but I was trim and my boobs hadn’t had any complaints before.

I smelled like the motel soap and had tried to finger comb my long dark hair. As a result, I probably looked like something the cat had dragged in. But on the flip side, I didn’t smell like blood or vomit anymore, so things had to be looking up... At least I hoped that was the case.

It was strange when my cell phone went off blaring the latest Taylor Swift tune. I had almost forgotten that I had it with me.

Ace and Brendon immediately stopped their arguing to yell at me. “Don’t touch that!”

But it was too late; I had already swiped it open. “Mom?” I said hesitantly.

“Baby!” Mom’s voice filled the room. “Viv, are you alright? We have been looking for you everywhere. Daddy and I are worried sick.”

I felt a knot in my stomach forming, “Mom, I am fine. Tell Daddy that there is nothing wrong. I just-”

The phone was ripped out of my hand. Brendon crushed it in his fist.

“What the hell?” I shouted, “That was my phone!”

“It was a way for them to trace us,” he spat. “Think with your head, Princess.”

“Why do you call me that? And my parents are worried sick!”

Brendon rolled his eyes, and I fought the urge to kick him.

“Your parents are worried because there was a vampire attack in their area and they need to get it contained.”

My brow furrowed, “Who did that?”

Ace and Brendon turned on me incredulously, “You!”

I blinked, “I didn’t mean to do anything.”

I could tell that Brendon was seconds from throttling me. I was thankful when Ace intervened. “Look, Viv, we were able to save Jimmy, but the signs of your attack were still present. We didn’t have time to clean it up. We were lucky to save your date before the hunters arrived. Your parents cover the Greenfield area. They have to have some suspicions about the attack. The fact that you turned up missing right after, well, that can’t look good.”

“Maybe they will think I was attacked as well,” I said hopefully.

Brendon scoffed, “You said yourself that your mother was suspicious. You honestly can’t be that naive, Princess.”

He said princess like he really meant to say dog shit.

“So, what now, geniuses?” I wasn’t about to let it show that I was on the verge of breaking.

“We have no choice; if the government is on to us, we will have to take you to the hive.”

Ace sighed and agreed with Brendon, “It is your only hope of survival. They have the things you need to help you through the transition. There are parts of being a vampire...” He trailed off, his cheeks heated.

Brendon growled, “They can explain that if they choose to keep her alive.”

I stood in my borrowed t-shirt that hit mid-thigh and wobbled on my soggy heels. “Well, let’s go.”


“DON’T SAY ANYTHINGto anyone,” Brendon hissed in my ear. “Don’t meet anyone’s gaze, and for fuck’s sake don’t open your mouth.”

I wanted to stick my tongue out at him, but the hive was really creeping me out. We were in a large mansion just outside of state lines. I would never have found the place on my own. Ace said that the car would be cleaned and returned to the place they ‘borrowed’ it.