I had more energy than I knew what to do with. Soon, the landscape beside me began to blur as I ran faster and faster.
I suppose that even when you are a blood sucking, former vegetarian/prom date eater, that you still need to watch where you are going. I was clotheslined by what felt like a brick wall. I landed hard on my ass and noticed then that I had been crying.
Hulking sobs shook my body as I looked up to see two young men in their early twenties. They were by far the most handsome boys I had ever seen. But I was too distraught to even think about flirting. I had killed someone, granted it had been an accident.
But still, I can’t see a judge ruling in my favor. Can you accidentally suck someone dry?
I heard them talking into a cell phone and tried to understand the words.
“...found the rogue, yeah just a fledgling. We will bring her in.”
“What does that mean?” I asked them but they were ignoring me.
“Could they save him?” the one with dark, shaggy hair asked.
Were they talking about Jimmy?
“Good, how many pints? Did they wipe his memory?”
It sounded like something out of a movie. You can’t just wipe someone’s memory—can you?
“Look, my name is Vivian Browning. My parents are going to be worried about me!”
The taller one looked at me. There was something in his eyes that had my stomach in knots.
“What were you thinking?” He shook his head angrily. “That was quite a mess for us to clean up, we barely found you in time.”
“Who are you?” I asked.
The next thing I knew, they had shot my arm with a syringe of something and everything went blissfully dark.