CHAPTER 10 – Viv
I awakened in Ace’s arms, my head buried against his neck and my teeth grazing his skin. I could feel something hard and hot pressing into my hip, and suddenly it dawned on me what I was doing.
“As much as I would love to finish this, sweetheart, I am not sure it’s the best idea.”
Ace’s voice was low and thick. I lifted my head and caught the heat in his eyes. His fangs had descended, and I knew that he wanted me every bit as much as I wanted him.
“Could you two control yourselves,” Brendon’s curt voice snapped me out of my lust induced state, and I scrambled off of Ace’s lap.
Unfortunately, I kneed him in a very sensitive area.
Ace cried out and doubled over, making it very clear that the jewels had taken a severe blow.
But that wasn’t the most surprising thing; it was the fact that Brendon was doubled over with laughter. I couldn’t remember a time when I had ever heard him sound so carefree.
His face was open, and his eyes were alight with mischief. In that instance, Brendon was mesmerizing. I shook my head trying to clear it. One moment I am about to jump Ace and the next I am drooling over Brendon. It was just so very confusing.
Brendon must have sensed my mood because he held out a bag containing blood for me to take. I took it gratefully and sank my fangs in. The slightly bitter taste of old blood touched my tongue, but I was so thirsty it really didn’t matter. I was getting used to it, and it looked like that would be the only way I would be feeding for a long time.
Ace sat up wincing, “Viv, you really know how to put a guy in his place.”
I shrugged and drank the rest of my meal. I turned to see Brendon’s eyes on me, and I felt my face flush. It had to be because I had just fed and not from Brendon. I didn’t like him that way. I mean, okay so anyone with a pulse would like Brendon with his washboard abs and chiseled jawline.
I wanted to touch his dark, silky hair and taste the tender spot where his shoulder met his neck.
Brendon took in a harsh breath, “Vivian, you are going to need to think of something else.”
“Fuck!” I looked at him wildly, “Can you read minds?”
Ace laughed, “No, sweetheart. But you already smell like sin and innocence, the best combination I have ever come across. When you start to become aroused, the scent is nearly overpowering. I don’t blame him. Honestly, it’s hard for both of us.”
This was the first time they had ever brought up the attraction between us. I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like I was the kind of girl that played around with different guys. I didn’t play around with anyone.
And then it struck me, “Have you guys done this before? Have you both been with the same girl?”
Brendon made a face, “There is nothing about this situation that we have ever encountered before. I wouldn’t have ever dreamt I would consider...”
He broke off the statement, but I really wanted to know what he was considering.
“We have never shared a girl, Viv,” Ace said gently. “There is just something about you. I know you are off limits, but it seemed stupid that we act like the attraction isn’t there. I also could tell that you were struggling with it as much as we are.”
I bit my lower lip and gave voice to the thoughts in my head, “I really like you, Ace.”
I could feel Brendon’s hot gaze on me, “But I also really like Brendon. I am not a slut. I don’t know what is going to happen. But when I was with the king, I found myself being attracted to him. I don’t know what is real and what is this damn pull for feeding. I don’t know if I could be with different guys. I have to be honest.”
“You don’t need to decide anything now,” Brendon said with a tone of finality. “Cian was playing tricks on you. I could feel the compelling spells in the room. He pulled out all the stops for you, which I have never seen him do before.”
“What is a compelling spell?”
I hadn’t heard that before.
“Some powerful vampires can control people with their eyes. Not just normals, but all creatures. It isn’t easy to tell when they are using this trick, and just for full disclosure, it is forbidden among vampires.”
“Forbidden?” I exclaimed. “Then why was Cian using it on me?”
Ace scoffed, “The king fucks all of the girls at court. He uses compelling spells and drains drones even though that is also forbidden. He pretty much does what he wants, when he wants. People look into his eyes and smile as he destroys them. He is very evil.”
I felt something dark pass over me. “You have to teach me how to tell if he is trying to compel me. What if he does something when we meet next, and he takes my virginity?”