“I am sorry about that,” he grumbled.
“They were very interesting,” I said with a smile, trying to put him at ease. “It’s nice to meet you, Acheron.”
Ace scowled at me, “Nobody calls me that, not even my mother when she is angry.
“Why did you call those girls sluts?”
It had bothered me when he said it, because according to Brendon, all vampires fucked frequently. I didn't want to see a double standard with the women vs. the men.
“Those girls are like royalty groupies. They hold no real place in court besides ladies in waiting for the king’s younger sister. But the truth is they treat Eileen poorly, and the King does nothing about it.”
I kicked a little pebble with my shoe. “It seems that the more I learn about this king, the less I like him.”
Ace let out a little huff. “You will like him.”
I wrinkled my nose, “Why do you say that?”
Ace shrugged, “All the girls do. He is charming, or so I have been told, and he likes pretty girls.”
My stomach fluttered a little. “You think I am pretty?”
Ace smirked at me, and I felt my cheeks heat up. “You know you are beautiful, Vivian. You don’t need me to tell you that.”
But the thing was, I really didn’t think I was beautiful. I mean, I knew that I wasn’t hideous and that small children didn’t run screaming from me. But beautiful? Nah, I never would have thought to use that term.
“Whatever, Ace.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.
We continued to walk together and passed several people that nodded and even spoke with us. It seemed that they were fairly used to seeing Ace in court.
“Do you often come to Transylvania?” I asked in my best Dracula imitation.
Ace winced, “Please don’t ever do that again. We are here usually in the fall for the season.”
“The season?” I wrinkled my brow. “Like they did in the 1800’s?”
Ace nodded. “It is much busier during that time, the streets are filled with vampires and renting a house is a nightmare. Of course, Brendon and his mother always stay here at the Palace.”
“How did you and Brendon meet?” I asked absentmindedly as I bent to pick a flower.
Ace was quiet, and I looked up at him. From his vantage point, I realized that he could see right down my dress. His body had tensed, and I saw a flash of something in his eyes.
I straightened immediately and couldn’t help the fluttering I felt as my stomach turned over. Was I attracted to Ace? That was ridiculous. He was my friend, nothing more. It was likely that I needed to feed.
“I am hungry,” I said shortly.
Ace nodded and turned to guide me back to the Palace, but I noticed on the trip back he didn’t speak or touch me.
Before we walked inside, I asked in a low voice, “Did I do something wrong?”
Ace shook his head, “No.”
Then he smiled, the friendly smile that I was used to, and I felt the tension fade.
“You are perfect, Viv,” he said teasingly.“Let’s get you some blood.”