Page 17 of Vivian


King Cian looked to be about twenty-eight, old enough that I really shouldn’t be interested and young enough that I really rather was. Of course, in vampire years he was probably over a thousand years old so all reasoning just sort of flies out the window.

The moment I entered the royal throne room he stood up and walked over to greet me. I was taken aback by his strong shoulders and inky black hair. He had a five o’clock shadow that made one wonder what it would feel like on the inside of their thighs.

I was immediately wet and thrown off kilter.

His eyes were a startling shade of blue, and there was a kindness and humor that directly contrasted with the things that I had been told about him.

“Vivian, we are so pleased that you could join us! Brendon has been filling me in as to how they found you. It is positively the most interesting thing I have ever heard. Please, come and sit by me, I wish to hear it all.”

Heat flooded my face as the king of the vampires tucked my hand in the crook of his arm and began to lead me across the floor. Conversations stopped, and people stared openly, their faces showing surprise, jealousy, resentment, and even suspicion.

“Your grace,” I whispered quietly. “Perhaps this isn’t the time?”

King Cian stopped and turned to me. With a finger, he gently raised my chin until our gazes met.

“Don’t let them intimidate you,” he said in a low voice. “How you act and behave now sets the precedence on how they will treat you later. Raise that beautiful chin of yours and meet them gaze for gaze. Don’t show weakness, that is the first sign of failure.”

To anyone around us, he could have been complimenting me on my dress or hair. It was so quick, and then he smiled down at me as if I had said something truly delightful. My stomach flipped, and I realized in that moment just how truly dangerous King Cian was.

In a matter of seconds, he had me eating out of his hand. Even now, my hand was still wrapped around his bicep, and I was moving along without a backward glance at Brendon and Ace, who had escorted me inside.

Once the King was on his throne, he motioned for me to sit in a chair that was positioned slightly lower to his left. I felt stupid, and terribly out of place, but I remembered the advice that he had given me.

So, with my shoulders back and my chin held at a proud angle, I smiled coldly to the onlookers and met their gaze. Several of them looked rather surprised, and their looks softened. Others seemed to look at me with hatred.

“Well, my dear,” King Cian spoke again in that low voice that didn’t carry. “Why are you here, truly?”

“To kill you.”

I blinked up at him, horror on my face that I had just blurted out my plans to kill the man. Honestly, I really didn’t think that I would have been able to get away with it. But this was beyond terrible.

The king burst out laughing. Throwing his head back, he laughed from his gut causing several heads to turn.

“I like you,” he said finally when he got control of himself. “You are different. But I must tell you, Vivian, I can’t allow you to kill me.”

I shrugged, the sophisticated woman falling away and leaving behind the scared girl that I really was.

“The Queen of Doom said that if I didn’t take you through the heart and bring it back to her that she would kill me. But honestly, I don’t think I could kill anyone. I grew up a vegetarian and haven’t even handled raw meat before.”

Cian laughed again; it made him appear younger and far easier to approach.

“I won’t ask you if your companions were in on this because I fear that you will tell the truth, and I can’t have three assassins on my hands.”

I blew out a breath, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Cian,” he said holding out a hand as if we hadn’t already been introduced, “I am Cian.”

“Viv,” I took his warm hand and shook it. “My friends all call me Viv. Well, my new friends call me the virgin vampire, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t.”

His lips were twitching traitorously. “I can see why that might be uncomfortable. I also think that has a large part in why you were sent here. Were you to seduce me?”

I nodded, “Yes, you weren’t supposed to be able to resist me. Silly, I know.”

His smile fell and for a moment, Cian’s eyes blazed.

“You are quite a temptation, Viv.”