Page 97 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 13 – Zack

I can’t begin to describehow I felt when my mother told me that Chloe had gone into town on her own. Okay, so she wasn’t by herself. But like my sister was any protection against some of the thugs out there. Panic raced through my veins; it was the blind leading the blind.

I also knew full well that Rylee loved flirting with the warriors. I try to tell her to stay away from them, but she just rolls her eyes at me and says I am being overprotective. I know I should have been grateful that the only person they were speaking with was Heath. But my heart was already in a state and the next thing I knew I had Chloe in my hands and I had the strongest desire to head to the nearest cave.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Heath, I trust him with my life.

I’m just not sure I trust him with hers.

When we got back home, my father smirked when he saw Chloe in my arms. I didn’t want to talk or explain to him for the millionth time how she was doing. I walked straight to our sleeping quarters and activated the lock as soon as we were inside.

Chloe gave me a dry look. “Well, you have me where you want me. Care to explain what happened back there?”

But the thing was, I couldn’t explain it. All I knew was that I was going to rip Heath’s arms and legs off. The thought of anyone being near Chloe or worse, touching Chloe, sent me into such a state. Honestly, I blame that on what I did next, because one moment I was setting her down and the next I had her against the wall and I was kissing the shit out of her.

My mouth was hard and demanding against hers. A part of me was urging caution, but I just told it to shut the fuck up. I needed her, and she seemed on board. Her perfect mouth tasted of grape frizzles, they must have picked up the candy while they were out.

My hands shot to her hips and I yanked her into the air so that I didn’t have to lean down so far. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I grinned into the kiss.


We were fucking amazing at this.

Okay, so I was smart enough to know that entire relationships can’t be based on fucking. But they can sure start that way. Her hands buried themselves in my hair and she tugged on the strands, wanting more. I was more than happy to oblige her.

One of my hands went into her hair and I pulled back, not enough to hurt but enough that she would feel the tension. Her hands went to my shoulders and I felt her nails dig in.

I moved us to the bed and continued to kiss her. I couldn’t get enough of her taste, of the way that she kissed me like it was the last thing she would ever do. I was addicted to this girl. She was better than any drug.

Out of nowhere, she wrenched her lips away. “You think that you can kiss me, and I won’t be mad at you?”

Well, yeah. But I didn’t say that because she had that look that clearly would make using those words a suicide note. So, I went on the defense.

“Just because you kiss me that way doesn’t mean that I am not upset with you.”

Her eyes flashed, “Me? What did I ever do to you?”

I had a list, seriously.

“You are never going to forgive me. Do you know what it’s like knowing that someone you care about hates your guts? And for another thing, I don’t think you are taking training very seriously.”

She snorted. I am not shitting you.

“Zack, training is a waste of time. I am a healer, not a warrior.”

I could feel the anger and fear bubbling inside of me. “We have orders to go to the front. You don’t have a choice, Chloe. This isn’t something you can screw around with. I am terrified that you just don’t give a damn. Do you realize that I can’t sleep because I am so worried about you?”

She bit her lip and I could feel heat flooding my cheeks. I hadn’t meant to share that much. But it was the truth. I was extremely worried about her.

“Maybe I don’t want to go to the front.” She said, but the usual snark wasn’t there behind it.

My eyes closed for the briefest of moments and I felt her try to dart away.

Hell no.

I grabbed her and yanked her back, but this time she fell over my lap. Her perfect ass in the air. Maybe it was frustration, or maybe I really am a freak but the next thing I knew I was smacking those pert ass cheeks.

She squealed and tried to get away, but I wasn’t having it. I yanked her leggings down and saw that her bottom was turning a nice rosy pink. I smacked her again and watched as the flesh trembled under my touch.