“Well, hello there ladies,” a handsome soldier with a crooked smile stopped us on the street.
“Heath!” Rylee grinned at the large man, “We haven’t seen you around lately. How are you?”
His cheeks pinked. “After the last mission your dad had me helping get things straightened out on Seron. I heard that Axel and Sarah are staying with your family.”
Rylee nodded, “Yes, you should come to dinner and see them! Mom would love it.”
Heath shook his head, “I don’t want to impose.”
“Nonsense! Oh! I am such an idiot! Heath, this is Chloe. She is Zack’s imprinted pair.”
Heath flashed her a sexy smile. “I didn’t have the pleasure to meet you the last time we flew together, Miss Chloe.”
My eyes widened. “You were one of the ones that left me?”
He took a step back. “I didn’t know, I swear it. And seeing you now I don’t know how they could have ever considered it.”
A flush touched my cheeks, and it was my turn to be embarrassed.
“It shouldn’t matter if I was ugly as a mud fence,” I grumbled.
They both laughed, and Heath nodded, “How right you are, Miss Chloe.”
I gave him a tentative smile. “Just Chloe is fine, it sounds like we have known each other a while.”
A loud noise indicated that someone was clearing their throat behind us.
Heath snapped to attention, “Captain.”
I turned to see Zack striding toward us; he didn’t stop until his arm was around my waist and he had moved me slightly behind him. How rude!
“Excuse me,” I shoved at his massive chest and managed to hurt my wrists in the process. It was like shoving a brick wall.
“We invited Heath to dinner tonight.” Rylee was talking as if Zack wasn’t acting completely bizarre. “Won’t it be nice for him to see Axel and Sarah?”
Zack’s eyes narrowed., “Very nice.”
Heath smiled at Rylee. “I was great seeing you.”
And then he surprised me and moved around Zack to take my hand., “And it was wonderful meeting you, Chloe.”
Zack snarled and yanked my hand back. To my surprise, Heath only grinned wider. “What time would you like me to stop by?”
Before Zack could say anything else rude I blurted out, “We would be happy to have you any time.”
Rylee looked like she was choking on something, most likely laughter, and Heath was smirking like a little boy who just stole the last cookie from the cookie jar.
Zack grunted something that might have been goodbye and then started walking. And I use the term walking, but it was more like dragging me back to their home.
“I wasn’t finished shopping.” I yanked on my arm, but it was no use, he was much stronger and larger than I was.
“You are now,” he grunted. “What do you need? I will give you whatever you need.”
That made the back of my hair stand up. “No, youwill not.”
Granted, his mother had offered the same thing to me earlier and I hadn’t taken offense. But the feminist in me didn’t like the way he was trying to control the situation. Zack got sick of dragging me along and picked me up in his arms.
“I can fucking walk! What is the matter with you?”
He didn’t answer for a moment and I didn’t think he was going to, but eventually he said, “I didn’t like that you were gone, and I didn’t know where you went.”
“I’m not your pet,” I returned peevishly. Although I was starting to feel awfully warm cradled against his chest. Somehow my arms had slipped around his neck.
He stiffened at my words “Are you always going to hate me?”
Damn, that was a good question.