Page 92 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 11 – Chloe

The large warrior isgrowing on me. Not only did he celebrate when he found out that Sarah was having a baby, but when big-ass man tears appeared in his eyes I figured he couldn’t be half bad.

Zack seemed more surprised than anyone. “How is this possible?”

Sarah grinned at him, “Did you never learn about the birds and bees?”

I sputtered back a laugh when he frowned and asked what in the hell that had to do with anything.

“She is talking about sex,” I added helpfully.

Zack’s cheeks turned red. “I am well aware of the act of intimacy. I just wasn’t aware that we could procreate together.”

And then it dawned on me, we hadn’t used protection. He must be worried that I might get pregnant. Suddenly things weren’t as funny as they were before. Was the thought of having a child with me so abhorrent?

Not that I wanted a baby! Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t ready to become a mother. But the way he was acting made it perfectly clear that not only did he not want a baby. He sure as fuck didn’t want it with me.

I stood abruptly. “Please excuse me, I have something I need to attend to.”

I turned and fled. Childish? Perhaps, but stupid me, I had allowed the smallest bit of trust to start to form towards Zack. Hadn’t I learned my lesson? I was such an idiot. It was better to be alone.

I took a deep breath and moved to the outside door; pressing the lever I walked out on the path and felt the gentle breeze tickle my skin.

“How are you, Chloe?”

I looked around and saw that Zack’s mother was working in the earth. I forced a smile before answering.

“I am well, the more important question is, how are you?”

Betty motioned for me to come closer. She stood and walked over to a stone bench that was large enough for us both to share.

“I am perfectly healthy, thanks to you.”

I smiled despite the sadness that was tearing at my heart.

“It was nothing, I am just glad you are okay.”

She smiled and patted my arm, “How are you adjusting to your new life?”

I took a deep breath and tried to formulate an answer. I was good at telling people what they wanted to hear. I had been an expert on that on earth. Was I living on the streets? No. Did I have someone who cared for me? Yes. It didn’t really matter if they were lies, people liked to hear certain things.

“I am really enjoying your hospitality,” I said with all honesty.

Her brow furrowed, “You are certainly welcome. But that doesn’t answer my question.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond and so I didn’t.

“You know I am also not from this planet,” she began.

I looked at her in surprise and Betty laughed.

“I came from a smaller galaxy that was dying off. We had the choice to go into a program where the council would find a place for us or we could stay and die with the planet.”

“You chose to leave?”

She shook her head, “No, I chose to stay. They were only taking those that were young and of marriageable age. My parents were older, and I was an only child. I had no desire to leave them.”

I didn’t understand, “Then why are you here?”