CHAPTER 5 – Zack
What the actual fuck? As I lay on the floor of my sleeping chambers, wondering if I would ever father children after the blow to my balls. I had to consider that maybe I didn’t have as good a handle on the human situation as I had thought.
Gingerly I opened my eyes, only to see my father’s black shiny boots inches away from my face. It was as if the universe was having a let’s shit on Zack day.
“That didn’t go very well.”
And there you have it: my father, Captain Obvious. And yeah, I stole that from earth, but who in the hell is going to know that here?
Besides her.
“She just needs some time to get to know me,” I grumbled, getting to my feet. My balls still ached but I would be damned if I held them like a pussy in front of my father.
His brows came together. “Did you read the dossier on the girl?”
I felt color rise in my cheeks. Of course, I hadn’t taken the time to read up on her. We have had a lot of girls pass through; just because she didn’t die when she first arrived didn’t mean that she would eventually make it. I figured that it didn’t make any sense to waste my time unless she survived.
Only she kept lingering on, not alive but not dead, either.
“I will read the dossier,” I said with only a hint of defiance.
My father crossed his hands over his chest.
This is what I like to call the lecture pose. My dad had a dozen of them. Often you knew what he was going to say by his body language. He would never admit it, but the man was super predictable.
Right now, he was going to berate me for not following protocol. I would be instructed to read the human’s file; hell, he probably wanted me to memorize it. After I would be instructed to make things right with the girl.
So, to circumvent a conversation that I really didn’t want to have I beat him to the punch.
“Look, Dad, I am really sorry. I should have followed protocol and read the dossier. She is an important part of the team and I fucked up. I will make things right.”
His mouth snapped shut and he frowned.
“Get her training started as well,” he ordered and then left the room.
I slumped back onto my bed. The ache in my testicles was almost unbearable. Hell, and I thought that Axel had it bad with Sarah. This chick was a million times worse!
“Dad looked pissed.”
I groaned and rolled on my side to see my little sister Rylee.
“What do you want, Slug?”
She made a face at me. “Did you really not read her file?”
I grimaced, “I may have lost it.”
“What the hell, Zack?”
She was right, totally right. I should have read the information and I really shouldn’t have lost it. But what my dear family was failing to remember was that I had been in the middle of a mission. My whole damn ship is gone, and the dossier was somewhere in there.
“You wouldn’t understand,” I said to her.
Rylee popped her hip out and gave me a look that reminded me a lot of our mom. “Zack, there is something different about Chloe. She is...” Rylee trailed off, “it’s hard to explain. But she seems broken in a way.”
I made a face. “She’s a human, how bad could her life be?”
Rylee didn’t look convinced. “I think there is a lot more to the humans than what we understand from their internet.”