CHAPTER 2 – Axel
I needed to use thebathing chamber in the worst way. The human’s scent was all over my skin, drowning my senses and making me crazy. I had to wash every trace of whatever voodoo magic that exuded from her pores and stuck to me like glue down the drain.
She wasn’t my type. There was no reason for my cock wanting to be balls deep inside of her. Shit, I would probably break her in half. The women on my planet, Zeron, were much larger. It was rare to find one below six feet in height.
The human was four inches above five foot. I knew ten-year-old’s that were bigger than she was. If it wasn’t for her smart mouth I could almost believe she was a child. With that innocent face and long white blond hair, she has amazingly dark lashes that fan across her cheeks.
Her breasts are small and firm, with rosy tips.
Don’t think about her tits.
Don’t think about her tits.
It was her fault I even knew what they looked like. The Human had locked herself in the bathing chamber for over an hour. And then she had the audacity to be angry at me for barging in to save her. I half expected her to be face down in the water, having drowned herself.
It was the panic of that alone that made me storm in.
But no, she was lying back, her whole naked self on display. I could count the ribs on her side, the delicate nip to her small waist. And the gently rounded curve of her hips. And between those pale silky thighs, well, I know now that she is a natural blonde.
A crunching sound brought me back to the present and I realized that the communication device I had in my hand was now a bunch of shattered polymer and wires.
Fucking Human.
I wanted to fuck the human.
These thoughts had to stop crowding my mind. It wasn’t necessary that imprinted pairs becoming physically involved. In a matter of an hour, I had been called into the sick bay and informed that my DNA had been matched with a girl from earth for a new project called paired imprinting.
I wasn’t asked if I wanted to participate, I was told that this would be happening. They were awaiting her arrival and I would do my duty as a warrior for The Intergalactic Council. As a warrior, I had sworn my allegiance to the council, but it didn’t mean that I liked the shit they were pulling.
And then the human shows up looking like a waif with all of the tubes going every which way into her body. How could they expect me to tie my soul with that? She speaks mainly in gibberish; even though we both have the lingual chip implanted in our brains I still don’t know what she’s talking about.
She can’t remember my name for anything, half the time she calls me Thor or The Hulk. Who could possibly name their baby The Hulk? Humans were straight up barbarians.
Training with her was a nightmare of epic proportions. Every time my fingers brush her skin I want to latch on and experience the rush that comes with our connection. That stupid fucking connection that could eventually be my downfall.
According to Von, our souls are now linked. If we are apart for too long or too far we could die. That is just fucking fantastic.
Supposedly, I am okay to go about my normal life. Explain to me how I am supposed to bring a woman back to our pod when I have the human just across the hall? What kind of animal does that?
It’s no wonder that my cock is so confused. He needs pussy. He craves it, has been deprived of it, and is now desperate for it. I need to man up and just go about my business as I normally would. The human is nothing more than a roommate.
And soul thief.
I couldn’t forget that one. It seemed that more and more of her thoughts were creeping into my mind. I knew she found me attractive and also repulsive. Which was a point in her favor because it showed a spark of intelligence that I hadn’t thought humans could possess.
I needed that bathing chamber; what was taking so long? Standing, I went over to pound on the door just as she whipped it open clothed in nothing but a horrified expression.
That mouth of hers!
“Where are your clothes?” I barked out, looking everywhere but at her perfect tits.
I like big tits.