For the first time since meeting Sabine, she actually cracked a smile. It made her face seem so much younger and I saw more of Kat in her at that moment.
“Eyebrows aside,” her smile widened, “there is something unsavory about Brooms. I would have to agree with Sarah.”
I didn’t run around the room and yell, ‘I told you so!’ to Zack, but I may have smirked, a lot.
Sabine rose to her feet, as did all the others. “We are adjourned until you have had a chance to visit the farms?”
Axel nodded. “If you can find out any other information about the Malone siblings and Grantham, please let us know. We will leave Heath here to help guard you and your daughter. I am afraid that it is best not to trust anyone until we can get to the bottom of this.”
Sabine nodded. “I agree.”
We turned to walk out, and that magnificent ass was right within striking distance. However, I had decided to make a small attempt at maturity. So, I waited until Sabine had retired to her chambers before leaning over and smacking his left ass cheek.
Axel grunted, “How long are we going to play this game?”
I grinned. “I can’t see it getting old anytime soon.”
Zack growled from behind us, “Can we just focus on the mission?”
“What did your dad say?” I asked, playing nice for once.
Zack’s eyes brightened, and I noticed that he really was rather handsome when he wasn’t being a dick.
“The Head Commander will be sending out another ship and crew immediately. He is gathering information about Brooms but said that at present it doesn’t look like there is anything untoward.”
“What did he say about you leaving your paired imprint behind in a black hole?”
Okay, so I wasn’t able to be nice for very long.
“I didn’t tell him,” Zack snarled. “We are going after her as soon as we get this taken care of.”
I shrugged, “Let’s hope she still wants you.”
WE SPENT THE NEXT SEVERALdays traveling through various farms. It was interesting to me how the land could be so barren but the moment you walked into the massive greenhouses it was like another place altogether.
There were several things that really bothered me. First, they had young children working the fields. I knew that this was something that happened on earth in poverty-stricken areas, but the long days combined with their skinny bodies didn’t bode well for how I felt about Seron. I asked why they didn’t transform their bodies into something stronger. If I was a shapeshifter that is what I would have done. But I learned that a child doesn’t have the ability until they are ten or eleven.
It was nothing against Sabine and Kat, they were perfectly lovely, but this wasn’t right. The children should have been in school, and when I mentioned this to the supervisors they mocked me. Saying that why should they learn when this is what they would be doing until the day they died.
Axel had a hard time holding me back from frying the lot of them.
Second, the plants were dying. You could see brown streaks along the stalks that shouldn’t be there. Some of the wheat drooped and even some of the plants that I had never seen before just didn’t look right. I asked about the water supply and made a note to research more on how their reserves were tended to under the earth. It seemed to be the best way to ruin crops would be through their water supply.
And last, the general air of discontent. You could feel the tension everywhere we went. It made me wonder if the radicals didn’t have a justifiable cause. I wanted to know if The Intergalactic Council had any idea that the circumstances here on Seron were so bad.
If they did, I was going to have a problem being one of their SUPER pairings.
When we got back to the tent we were sleeping in I unloaded my thoughts on Axel.
“I can’t support this,” I felt my gut clench, “I am falling in love with you. And I am learning to tolerate your massive tattoo. But I can’t sit back and watch these conditions and not do something.”
Axel pulled me into his arms holding me close, “I am so fucking glad. Because this shit has to stop.”
Surprise filled me, “You agree with me?”
He bent down to kiss me, and I fought not to be swept away by it.
“You and I are on the same page. We just need to talk to Zack.”